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LONDON – A suspected terrorist used a material that may have been from “bed sheets” to strap himself to the underside of a van when he escaped from prison last week, a London court learned on Monday.

Daniel Khalife, 21, was a military member of the Royal Corps who was charged with espionage and terrorism in January. The suspected terrorist was captured on a canal towpath in west London Saturday morning after being pulled off a push bike by a plainclothes counter-terrorism officer, Yahoo News reported.

The fugitive was caught following an emotionally distressing 75-hour nationwide manhunt after he vanished from HM Prison Wandsworth in southwest London Wednesday morning about 7:50 a.m. The arrest occurred at a location that is approximately a 45 minute drive from the prison.

Daniel Khalife was a member of the Royal Corps (Image via Yahoo News)

Khalife appeared before Westminster Magistrates’ Court after being captured and charged with escaping from prison. Officials said the inmate was assisted in his escape. He was subsequently remanded to custody, according to the news outlet.

His escape from the prison highlighted inadequacies of the lockdown facility, with the chief inspector of prisons calling for it to be closed.

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