However, McCloud had a signifying event that opened the door to seeing LSD as his savior. As he told Wired, “December 8th, 1971, I took the most powerful substance on earth… I happened to fall out of a window onto my kisser and die in the middle of it, and thanks to the LSD, I was reborn. That’s why I collect blotters – a small thank you for the thing that saved me.” McCloud would dub his sanctuary the “Institute of Illegal Images” and the “Blotter Barn.” 

Yet how does McCloud get away with hosting over 30,000 tabs of LSD in his home? Well, the tabs have expired. Their trips have far run their course. As his unofficial museum is covered wall to wall in this drug paraphernalia, they’ve been subject to ultraviolet rays over time as well as oxygen, both of which have deactivated the acid in the sheets. He’s still been arrested, though, multiple times, for “conspiracy to manufacture and distribute narcotics,” and been threatened to receive a life sentence in jail for his obviously very troubling, completely immoral sin of keeping everyone up at night knowing there is an LSD art collector out there … somewhere.

For more of Oona’s sarcasm and attempted wit, visit her website

Top Image: Pyschonaught/Wiki Commons 

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