Ruth Bader Ginsburg Supported A Bunch Of Bad Policies

The late Ruth Bader Ginsburg was famous for pushing forward the historic Roe v Wade earlier in her career and becoming a feminist icon to boot. Her death left political turbulence in her wake as it left the Supreme Court a Republican majority, eventually leading to the mess going on with reproductive rights at the moment. 

With a career that prestigious, you’d think that RBG was a pretty much perfect human being. However, that’s far from the case, as RBG had plenty of problems during her life. For starters, RBG wasn’t always on the right side of history when it came to her decisions in the supreme court. For example, in the court case Samson v. California, the court decided that police could search prisoners on parole without a warrant at all, a massive breach of prisoner rights, which RBG agreed with Clarence Thomas and the majority on.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Steve Petteway

Without a warrant, and also “without cause.” So, just because the officer feels extra dickish that day. 

In the Sherrill v. Oneida Indian Nation case, RBG sided with the court against the tribe reclaiming their lost land, even citing a horrendously racist document as a defense. Along with a host of other terrible court cases she gave her approval to, she also at one point told Colin Kaepernick that his kneeling protest was “disrespectful” to the flag, which is a bit like going back in time and telling MLK that his protests are too “uppity.”