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Punishing criminals
will reduce shootings
In “6 dead, 12 wounded in Sacramento war zone” (Page A1, April 4), the writer described the horrific mass shootings that recently took place there. The police chief suggested that we need to have a “sane conversation about guns.”
On the same page, “Gun laws: State already has some of the toughest restrictions on arms in the U.S.“ is an article whose title sums up its contents.
There seems to be an automatic reaction to gun violence: outlaw the guns. But if the aggressor doesn’t use a gun, he’ll use a knife or a rock. The best way to stop people from hurting others with deadly weapons is to strictly punish the misbehavior, not simply try to ban the weapons.
Daniel Mauthe
A’s management owes
fans an explanation
I wonder if it ever occurred to A’s management that maybe an explanation to us long-term, die-hard fans as to why they’ve decided to trade key players and replace coaches might make this all a less-bitter pill to swallow.
We’ve taken some hits (pun intended) in the past, but this seems unreasonable.
Amy Coffin
Demand Congress fund
help for Alzheimer’s
This week is National Public Health Week, and COVID has shown us all how vital it is to have a strong public health infrastructure to protect community health.
Our public health system also has a critical role to play in educating people on how to reduce their risk of Alzheimer’s disease, increase early detection and diagnosis, and prevent avoidable hospitalizations.
With the number of California Latinos with Alzheimer’s on track to triple in the next 20 years, we need to double down on public health outreach and education to teach Latinos and others how to reduce their risk. But public health agencies need dedicated funding to do this.
Please join me in urging Congress to support $30 million in funding for the BOLD Alzheimer’s Act in fiscal year 2023, to build the Alzheimer’s public health infrastructure our diverse population needs.
Annette Mora
Successful cops chase
dream, not dollars
Re. “Mayor suggests big bonuses for police hires to attract officers,” Page B1, April 5:
Attractive police hiring bonuses are not the solution. We can’t pay people enough to be cops. The problem is that the public reduces police work to “just another job.” It’s not. I was a cop from 1994 to 2020. For cops who survive such years, it’s because we’re living our dream.
I wore many hats and helmets. One was recruit training officer (the drill instructor at police academy). I found that recruits pursuing their lifelong dream would make it. Those joining for money will fail. They lack essential “resilience.”
Once cops pin on the badge, they can’t go back to the person they were. They can’t unsee the horrors awaiting them.
The story of a police officer is the story of a dream. Sadly, their dreams became a nightmare. We need great cops. Raise your children to be brave and compassionate adults. Their recruit training officer will take care of the rest.
Mark R. Clifford
Price rise in meat, eggs
may hold hidden benefits
Can you believe the outrageous rise in food prices? Fifteen percent for red meat, 11% for fish and eggs.
The obvious replacement is fresh vegetables. They contain all nutrients required for healthy living and none of the saturated fats, cholesterol, hormones and antibiotics loaded in animal products. They contain complex carbohydrates, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals. They greatly reduce the risk of contracting heart disease, stroke, some cancers, diabetes and obesity.
And they are going up only 4.3% – a fraction of the meat price increase.
But there is more: A University of Michigan research report found that replacing 50% of animal products with plant-based foods would prevent more than 1.6 billion tons of greenhouse gasses by 2030 – President Biden’s target date for a 50% reduction in emissions.
This outrageous meat price increase may be our blessing in disguise.
Jeff Garner
Walnut Creek