Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, better known as AOC — or “the wizard of the Hamas caucus,” in the words of Dave Rubin — is the queen of catastrophic ideas. But her views on Israel and Palestine are just the tip of the iceberg. As a proponent of open borders, it’s no wonder her plan to combat the illegal immigration crisis choking our country is utterly contemptible.

It’s so bad, in fact, it’s almost funny. According to AOC, the flood of illegal aliens entering our country is quite a simple fix.

“From all parts of the political spectrum, one of the biggest issues that we have when it comes to immigration is the fact that we have an undocumented population,” she told Desus Nice of “The Daily Show.”

“Now you can fix that by trying to build a wall, or you can fix that by trying to document people and create a path to citizenship,” she said. “People don’t have a documented and reliable path to work and sustain themselves, just like all of our ancestors did and our grandparents.”

Translation: reward illegal immigrants who broke the law with citizenship and resources at the expense of American citizens.

“Our ancestors and our grandparents came here legally,” sighs Dave, pointing out the glaring flaw in her argument.

“There’s 12 million of them here, [and] we don’t know how many are pouring through the border. Just document them, send them in, give them some docs and that’ll solve the problem,” he mocks. “That doesn’t solve any of the problems.”

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