Biden’s open-border policies have wreaked havoc on this country. Crime has skyrocketed, school systems are collapsing under the weight of the influx, and American taxpayers are funding the care of people who broke the law to be here. It’s complete and utter insanity.

The problem has escalated to such a degree that even some illegal immigrants are starting to voice concern themselves.

Pat Gray tells Stu Burguiere about one such illegal immigrant, an Iranian man who “drove to Turkey, flew to Mexico, [and] walked across the border” who recently warned the American people that more trouble is coming due to our open borders.

“He was warning us about, ‘Hey, you know, this isn’t a good idea. Like, I’m glad I’m here, but there are a whole bunch of people coming after me and that have come before me that don’t have good intent for the United States of America,” Pat explains.

“Nobody’s listening to American citizens saying it, maybe they’ll listen to an Iranian,” he continues.

Stu is concerned that “there’s no path in sight … to this being cured.” It would take something extreme, like “all the best Republicans [getting] all the leadership positions,” for the problem to actually be solved.

Pat agrees, adding that “until there’s a change in leadership, this isn’t gonna get any better; it’s gonna get worse.”

Perhaps the silver lining could be that as the border crisis worsens, so do Biden’s polling numbers.

“The polling for Biden on this issue is catastrophic,” admits Stu.

To hear their full conversation, watch the clip below.

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