Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. noted in a post on X that his dissatisfaction with the Democratic Party ramped up amid the COVID-19 pandemic. He said that Democrats exhibited more of a willingness than Republicans to pursue policies such as lockdowns and mandates.

“Like many of you, my disaffection with the Democratic Party accelerated during Covid, when it showed itself even more willing than the Republicans to suspend free speech, lock us down, surveil us, and force mandates down our throats,” Kennedy tweeted.

“My views on many issues have evolved over my 40 years in public life, and especially over the last five years,” he noted. “We certainly don’t want leaders who flip-flop according to political convenience. But we also don’t want rigid ideologues whose minds are closed to change,” he wrote. “Today I share some views with Democrats and some with Republicans. Some of my positions are liberal, some are conservative. And many don’t fit into any category at all,” he said.

Kennedy had been running in the Democratic presidential primary but announced earlier this month that he was switching to run as an independent candidate.

Former President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden each appear to be on track to clinch their respective parties’ presidential nods.

Trump, who already skipped the first two GOP primary debates, is planning to hold a rally in Hialeah, Florida, on the same night that the third GOP presidential primary debate is slated to be held in Miami, Florida. “Republicans should not debate, they should UNITE in defeating the WORST & MOST INCOMPETENT ADMINISTRATION IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES,” he wrote in a post on Truth Social.

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