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Israel-Hamas war cries
for balanced coverage

Re: “Wounded inundate hospitals in Gaza” (Page A1, Oct. 16).

On Sunday, I watched “60 Minutes’” excellent coverage of the carnage inflicted on Israeli citizens by Hamas. There were frequent warnings of the disturbing videos you were about to see.

I wonder if other mainstream media will show similar videos of the carnage now being inflicted on Gaza by Israel.

True journalism works both ways. Propaganda tells only one side of the story.

Forrest Cioppa
Walnut Creek

Opinion piece lets
Hamas off the hook

Re: “End Israel’s colonial occupation and stop the apartheid system” (Page A13, Oct. 15).

Ms. Baltzer also makes no mention of Hamas’ charter calling for Israel’s complete destruction. She pleads that she chokes up when she looks at photos of the recent slaughter, but quickly segues into trying to make it equal to what she calls “75 years” of slaughter on the Palestinian side. She talks of an ”apartheid system,” but makes no mention of Muslim Arabs within Israel who are citizens with full voting rights.

Clearly, this is not a black-and-white situation and there are no simple answers; however, the ends do not justify the means, which only leads to genocide. I look forward to Ms. Baltzer’s detailed explanation of just how “end[ing] Israel’s siege, colonial occupation and apartheid” will work.

Harold Mantle
Walnut Creek

Hamas’ destruction
offers chance for peace

The history of Israel is one of constant threats of extinction and war from many fronts. It’s amazing it has survived.

As a child born four years after formal establishment, I have followed the events with great interest as a Jew. The antisemitism I personally experienced in my life has colored my view, I’m sure. I had hoped by now after so many years it would have abated, but it hasn’t.

The news coverage of recent events is short-sighted at best. It does not have any context of history. Hamas is just the latest terrorist group that uses its citizens as human shields to attack Israel. After the massacre they recently committed, they must be wiped out at any cost for future generations to live in peace.

Ed Heiser

Letter perpetuates
division it condemns

Re: “Identity politics keep nation divided” (Page A6, Oct. 17).

As a white, heterosexual male, I neither see nor feel the affronts that the letter-writer claims we are forced to experience through “Democrat-influenced media.” Divisiveness is not the problem; failure of understanding is. It’s the failure to understand that is rampant throughout their paragraphs, and sadly, only leads to more divisiveness.

Not much fun being “them,” is it? Aside from believing lies, correction would take the application of understanding, which is clearly absent in their words. Until that happens, they continue divisiveness; try understanding for a change.

R Cote
Castro Valley
