Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has indicated that as president he would employ “whatever force” necessary to protect the United States from Mexican drug cartels.

When someone asked the governor whether he would be willing to utilize drones or whatever military force is required to target the drug cartels in Mexico, DeSantis responded in the affirmative, saying that the U.S. has the right to defend itself and hold the cartels accountable.

When NBC News later pressed the issue by asking whether DeSantis had said that he would use drones against Mexican drug cartels, the presidential hopeful replied, “I said I would use whatever force we need to to defend the country.”

He went on to note that the cartels are “killing tens of thousands of Americans,” as well as trafficking individuals into the U.S., and perpetrating sexual abuse. “It’s really the worst of humanity,” he said, adding that he “would categorize them as something akin to a foreign terrorist organization.”

DeSantis open to using drone strikes against Mexican drug cartelswww.youtube.com

DeSantis has previously said that he would designate the cartels as either foreign terrorist organizations or transnational criminal organizations and that he would create rules of engagement to allow for the use of deadly force against cartel operatives who try to cut through the border wall.

GOP Rep. Chip Roy of Texas and more than a dozen other House lawmakers are calling for their colleagues to refuse to approve Department of Homeland Security funding until steps are taken to help secure the nation’s out-of-control southern border.

“Simply put, no member of Congress should agree to fund a federal agency at war with his state and people. We have a moral obligation to protect our states, our nation, and, importantly, the migrant children getting abused from the disaster transpiring at our southern border,” a letter signed by the lawmakers declares. “No border security, no funding.”

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