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As blue states get bluer and red states get redder, progressive “changes” have facilitated more criminal violence, civil unrest, sadness, depression, a sense of vulnerability, and the increased use of mind altering substances en masse. If you doubt this conclusion, you simply have not paid attention to cultural acrimony or you’re personally invested in these changes and are blind to the societal malevolence they’ve created.

Sadly, anyone who disagrees with the Draconian shift in norms is labeled as intolerant, racist, bigoted, transphobic, or worse. That’s a typical play out of the leftwing radical playbook; call people names and bully them if they seek peace and (what used to be) normalcy.

There are so many changes that are degrading American exceptionalism, it’s easy to find a place to start, yet difficult to locate a landing spot to finish the list.

Nevertheless, here is a tally of changes we could do without:

  • Decarceration movement. In one way or another, leftist are developing new and creative ways to ensure criminal offenders DO NOT spend too much time in custody. As a result, violent crimes are committed daily by offenders who should be incarcerated.
  • Defunding/decreasing public safety. There is nothing safe about having fewer cops on the street.
  • Police reform that really equates to neutering. Just as nutty politicians have created ways to release criminals from jail, they’ve also generated laws and policies to handcuff police from doing their jobs.
  • Embracing a charade that says a biological male who chooses to dress as a female should be treated with the rights, privileges and honor of a woman. “Live and let live” is one thing, but demanding that rational thinking people ignore reality and play a role in fiction is sinking to new depths of depravity. And placing biological males in female prisons has led to highly predictable disorder, not to mention female inmates are mysteriously becoming pregnant.
  • Eliminating quality of life crimes. Anyone who claims these violations do not lead to serious felonies is ignorant. Also, if indecent exposure is a crime for a perverted male strolling through a park, it should remain a crime for a man prancing around and exposing his genitals during a PRIDE parade.
  • Progressive politicians who refuse to represent the masses, but cater to abhorrent criminal behavior and race hustlers. Votes matter, and the American electorate is more ignorant than ever. A windfall of money from a detestable billionaire (George Soros) to safety-wrecking politicians has been a successful recipe for the radical left. It would be unsuccessful if people were not so easily duped.
  • Failing to act when judges and radical lawmakers prescribe the mutilation of our children and body-slam parents who are standing in the way. This significantly impacts law enforcement since the encouraging of this practice leads to psychological trauma encountered by children who then come into contact with police far more than so-called “experts” will ever admit.

That is the short list, but for the sake of brevity I’ll end the downtrodden news there.

So what can we do? Are we stuck in the endless rut that has developed? My response to these questions is simple: Refuse to participate as best as possible and understand there is an ongoing warfare for the control of your mind.

Using a police-related example for our law enforcement reading audience, think about the person riding in the back seat of a stolen car. During questioning, officers discover he wasn’t part of the theft, and essentially had no criminal intent other than hopping in the passenger seat when the primary suspect stopped by his house and picked him up for a joyride. He knew the car didn’t belong to the driver, but hopped in despite the “spidey-sense” that told him not to.

That is where we are at with the cultural reshaping (brainwashing) underway. It might be out of our individual power to stop it, but we do not have to participate. Here are some action steps I’d suggest:

  • Refuse to be silent despite the name-calling and egregious mislabeling. People are speaking up, and it’s a good thing. We need more of the same.
  • Be an informed voter. There are many community members in Democrat strongholds that are waking up to the destructive realities of destabilizing policies. However, the liberal governance in most places has been planted, fertilized, and watered for the past 50-60 years, and weeding it out will not be easy, but it needs to be done, with every vote that is cast.
  • “Moral Hazard” is public enemy No. 1. The practice of Moral Hazard is a lack of incentive to guard against risk where one is protected from its consequences. It is found in actions and policies that basically reward bad behavior. In some cases it’s unintentional, yet in others it’s foolish and demonstrates incompetence. Whenever and wherever you see it, take a stand against it!
  • Detach from destructive elements in life, attach to sources that are constructive.  This might sound oversimplistic, but I believe in the practice of categorizing behavior and events. Every activity in life can be categorized in one of three ways: Constructive, destructive, or neutral. When applying a level of self-control (a decreasing human value), choose to participate in activity that is constructive, while rejecting ventures that are destructive. Pursuing constructive events is an ongoing discourse to develop lifestyles and habits that bring peace, contentment, and joy. This can be accomplished despite your zip code or the size of your bank account.
  • Money pays the bills, but it can’t buy happiness. Indeed this one is an old adage, but it’s true. The acquisition of money at the expense of moral character and values is part of our cultural decline. Unless a person can find contentment with little, he or she will never be satisfied with more. Stop comparing your life to masquerade parties on social media, and start living out the joy found in practices that bring a sense of peace to your day.
  • Refuse to be pigeonholed into a tribe. Tribalism being touted through modern day “equity and inclusion” is tearing us apart. It has nothing to do with “freedom” or “rights,” and everything to do with tearing others down so certain categories of people can climb higher on a mystical ladder. Ultimately, fierce battles are created, which require winners and losers. In the end, we are all losers since the ongoing conflict wounds the heart and soul of each combatant, even those sitting on the sidelines who don’t want to participate will become collateral damage. The emotional scars are psychologically harmful.
  • To be more civilized we need hearts to change. We are being taken over by people in power who deny that evil exists. One reason this is happening is because they reject the existence of God. Some openly repudiate God, while others do so latently through their actions. Despite their methods, God will grant them freewill to go their own way, and they are taking the masses for a ride. As a result, we need a spiritual revival, and it begins within the heart and soul of each one of us.
  • Spiritual solution. We all have a spiritual hole in our heart that needs to be filled with something. I would suggest looking to God to make you whole! (Homonym intended.) Other remedies will ultimately fail the test of time. I find it ironic that many people who deny the existence of a Creator use “nature” as their ultimate form of spiritual worship and guidance since the Bible says God has revealed his divine qualities to us in his creation. Why not try faith in God and his revelation to us, the Bible. Everything else is crumbling yet his Word and promises are eternal. … It’s just a suggestion.
  • Advice from a talk show host. I recently heard a local radio personality say, “I’ve never been a religious person and have little use for ‘Bible Thumpers,’ but when people generally lived by the ‘Good Book,’ we had far fewer problems.”

Indeed, we did!


  • You can read more editorials from Jim McNeff here.
  • You can find Jim McNeff’s books here.

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