Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) tried on Thursday to dismiss data showing a majority of Americans support cutting government spending.

But CNN host Poppy Harlow called her out on it.

What does the data show?

A majority of Americans, 60%, believe that Congress should raise the debt ceiling only if congressmembers simultaneously cut spending, according to a new CNN poll.

That figure includes 58% of independent voters and even 45% of Democratic voters.

What did Rep. Jayapal say?

In light of the poll data, Harlow asked Jayapal on “CNN This Morning” if her position on debt ceiling negotiations — that Republicans, who want to cut government spending if the debt ceiling is raised, are holding the situation “hostage” — is out-of-touch.

“Is your position out of step now, congresswoman, with the majority of the American people?” Harlow asked.

But instead of answering the question and confronting the data, Jayapal suggested there is a problem with the poll.

I think it’s really important to look at what that poll says. If you just say to people, “Should we cut spending?” They will probably say yes. However, if you say would you rather cut spending and reduce the deficit by cutting the tax breaks to the wealthiest corporations and wealthiest individuals or would you like to cut your own health care, education, care for veterans, etc., I guarantee you that you would have even higher numbers that say, “Let’s make sure that we’re making the wealthy pay their fair share.”

Harlow then stopped Jayapal in her tracks.

“But congresswoman, that’s not what the poll says,” the CNN host pointed out, who proceeded to re-read Jayapal the results of the poll.

Still, the Washington Democrat was not interested in addressing the data, and, of course, she used the opportunity to take a shot at Donald Trump.

“I understand. But Poppy, you can’t take tax cuts out of spending. You know, tax cuts for the wealthiest are spending,” Jayapal said. “Don’t think that isn’t spending when under Donald Trump they added almost $2 trillion to the deficit because they gave tax cuts to the wealthiest. That is spending.”

Jayapal, who chairs the Congressional Progressive Caucus, has repeatedly urged President Joe Biden not to concede to Republicans and agree to cut spending.

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