A letter from a gay man issuing an emotional ultimatum to his Republican father went viral after he posted it on Twitter.

“So, I’m having to send that email that so many of us LGBTQ+ are sending—parents, vote GOP or keep your son. They’re in denial about anti-queer, anti-trans legislation in the USA,” read the tweet from Ryan Short, a gay man from Seattle, Washington.

He posted a screenshot of his message to his father and the response back.

“It’s simple: he can do the right thing, or not. There’s no compromise on this very specific requirement I make, which is this — You are not allowed to vote for government parties that seek to murder me,” read the text. “I shouldn’t have to type those words out loud, but here we are.”

“This is your Dad stop your viscous [sic] Words this is not about homosexuality I have friends who are gay and a brother who I supported loved and,” the response read, but was cut off in the screenshot.

He also posted the entire letter to his family members issuing the same ultimatum.

“Here me clearly — you cannot vote for the GOP and continue to have a relationship with me. No exceptions. I am inviting no dialogue, and I have no interest in nuance,” he wrote in part.

That tweet went viral with more than 4.1 million views and more than 2.3k retweets.

Not all responses were supportive however.

“Wow. This is pitiful, manipulative, narcissistic, and borderline abusive to your parents. You should be embarrassed of yourself. Do you know how many gay men are disowned by their parents just for being gay and you’re giving ultimatums to your parents—who evidently love and accept you—because of how they VOTE?” read one popular response.

The Business Insider reported that Short’s father decided to leave his local Republican club on Thursday.

The letter did not specify why the man believed the Republican Party was seeking to “murder” him or anyone else.

Short’s pinned tweet on his account read, “My goal this year is to be a hot dumb slut.”

Here’s more on the LGBTQ agenda:

Former LGBT activist now helps parents DE-PROGRAM their kidswww.youtube.com

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