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The California Public Safety Committee recently voted on a bill (SB 94) authored by Senator Dave Cortese (D-Santa Clara) which states that those individuals convicted of murder, even with special circumstances up to and including multiple victims, or killed in concert with rape, robbery ,kidnapping or torture  and who received a Death Sentence or Life without the Possibly of Parole prior to June 5th, 1990 – be given the opportunity to be provided with a public defender to petition the courts for re-sentencing,  which would then allow them to have their sentences invalidated and make them eligible for parole.

The co-authors of SB 94 include Democrat Senators Josh Becker (San Mateo), Nancy Skinner (Berkeley), Scot Wiener (San Francisco), and Assemblywoman Corrie Jackson (Riverside), and Akilah Weber (San Diego).

Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon, Alameda County DA Pamela Price and California Attorney General Rob Bonta all support letting the violent killers be released early from the California state prisons, after only serving 15 -20 years of their original sentences of death or life without the possibility of parole

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