Politico reported that independent Sen. Kyrsten Sinema previously described Democratic lunches as “ridiculous” and “dumb.”

“Those lunches were ridiculous,” Sinema said to GOP lobbyists at a reception this year when discussing why she ceased attending the caucus’ weekly luncheons, the outlet reported, citing an attendee.

“I’m not caucusing with the Democrats, I’m formally aligned with the Democrats for committee purposes,” the senator reportedly said. “But apart from that I am not a part of the caucus.”

“Old dudes are eating Jell-O, everyone is talking about how great they are,” Sinema reportedly said. “I don’t really need to be there for that. That’s an hour and a half twice a week that I can get back.”

“The Northerners and the Westerners put cool whip on their Jell-O,” she said, “and the Southerners put cottage cheese.”

She reportedly said she had better ways to spend time than “those dumb lunches.”

“I spend my days doing productive work, which is why I’ve been able to lead every bipartisan vote that’s happened the last two years,” Sinema said, according to the outlet.

Sinema, who had previously been serving as a Democrat, announced last year that she “registered as an Arizona independent.”

Politico also reported that Sinema gave the middle finger when mentioning Ron Klain, who departed from his post as White House chief of staff earlier this year.

According to the outlet, Sinema said that a White House aide called her last summer and communicated that she would need to make certain that all the Senate Democrats were in attendance at the vote to confirm Roopali Desai to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. The lawmaker reportedly said that she told the individual that there was no reason for worry since the vote would be bipartisan. She then reportedly divulged the identity of the aide, saying, “That was Klain,” and flashed the finger. Sinema noted that Desai received 67 votes: “I did not call Ron back,” she reportedly said.

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