During a congressional hearing on Thursday, Democratic Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri accused Republicans of holding a “perverted view of the Second Amendment,” and suggested that they do not “value lives over toys.”

“Students being murdered at their desks is not enough for them to value lives over toys. Republicans want the U.S. to have an even higher share of the world’s gun supply. They don’t want common-sense regulations on gun ownership. Their perverted view of the Second Amendment compels them to argue against reasonable restrictions,” Bush declared.

“We will not succumb to the nihilist, insurrectionist view of the Second Amendment. We will not allow the apolgists for gun violence to win. We will double down on a public health response to the public health emergency that is gun violence in our country,” the lawmaker said.

Radio host and Second Amendment advocate Dana Loesch tweeted, “What is an “insurrectionist view of the Second Amendment?” and added, “An ‘insurrectionist view’ of the Second Amendment would be to abridge or remove the Second Amendment.”

“The so-called ‘insurrectionist”‘view of the Second Amendment is the indisputably correct one. The Second Amendment exists as a guard against tyranny. To argue otherwise is completely ahistorical,” attorney Kostas Moros tweeted.

During the hearing, Bush recounted a personal experience with gun violence, noting that in her early 20s, an “abusive partner” fired shots at her.

“My experience is not an anomaly. It is one too many survivors of gun violence know all too well,” she said, adding that “it is not my only experience.”

Joint Subcommittee Hearingwww.youtube.com

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