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E-bike bans are
typically knee-jerk

Re: “E-bike trail ban is divisive issue” (Page A1, March 2).

I am 73 years old, and I consider myself very active, owning and operating a horse ranch with my wife and operating three other businesses following my “retirement” from public service. I have had two total shoulder replacements and a hip replacement.

My wife and I love to ride (horses and bikes). For my birthday my wife got me a Trek pedal-assist level 1 bike, and one for her too. This greatly expanded our bike experience as my standard road and trail bikes were painful to ride. We don’t like “throttle bikes.” They’re essentially electric motorcycles.

But to arbitrarily ban all E-bikes is such a typically political knee-jerk reaction as to be laughable, if not so impactful. Politicians, be fully informed before rendering your edicts.

Patrick T. Adams

I-980 demolition is
all bad for East Bay

Re: “Caltrans to study I-980 removal” (Page A1, Feb. 28).

The proposal to remove I-980 has no ethical or logical justification and exemplifies governmental waste, fraud and abuse.

Waste: The Cypress Structure in Oakland and freeways in San Francisco were torn down because they were damaged. What has the city of Oakland gained from the Cypress freeway relocation project? One wonders if we are doomed to repeat our past mistakes.

Fraud: This proposal directly benefits a few politicians who are trying to further their political careers. Gentrification has irreparably changed the demographics of the area. Redevelopment of the area will only result in windfall profits for politically connected developers.

Abuse: Removing the freeway will result in traffic congestion and pollution. The freeway is essential for moving emergency vehicles in the event of a fire or earthquake. Other consequences will be increased traffic through the MacArthur Maze, increased gridlock on the Bay Bridge and increased transport time to and from the Port of Oakland.

Stephen Born

BART must embrace,
fund inspector general

Re: “East Bay lawmaker blasts ‘open sore,’ quits panel” (Page B1, March 3).

Hats off to state Sen. Steve Glazer for resigning from a Senate committee in protest for not heeding his call to bolster fiscal oversight at BART, specifically by backing a strengthened Office of the Inspector General (OIG).

A few months ago, the inspector general found and reported the mismanagement of public funds by the BART Board of Directors. The board has been doing the same year after year without any shame. The 2021-2022 Alameda County Civil Grand Jury found that members of BART’s board and management continue to resist the independence of the OIG, as mandated by voters and the Legislature. It also reported that various contracts demonstrate that BART management’s own internal controls are not performing well.

BART management is out of control and still resists OIG oversight and does not provide adequate funds to it. No state funds should be given to BART without a fully authorized and supported OIG.

Subru Bhat
Union City

Stop the abuse; close
Golden Gate Fields

I’m a recent 18-year-old. I’ve lived near Golden Gate Fields my whole life. Until recently, I did not know the cruelty that occurred there.

Yesterday, the horse “Big Laugh” was reported to have died. More than a dozen other horses did too in 2022.

I want change, but I’ve lived 18 years with this archaic stain dotting our waterfront. I don’t want negligence, I don’t want concessions. I want this place shut down. The longer it remains, the more lives will be lost for nothing.

Jacob Ahana-Laba

Board members should
boost gas appliance ban

Peer-reviewed research has pointed to the dangers of using gas appliances. Electric heat pump products can deliver heating/cooling and hot water to our homes in healthier ways with more energy efficiency, saving us money.

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District will vote on two rules that will phase out the sale and installation of gas water heaters in 2027 and gas furnaces in 2029 to improve air quality and health. There is an escape clause whereby the rule can be delayed if it looks like it cannot be feasibly implemented in this time frame.

Air district staff state these new rules can help prevent 15,000 asthma symptom incidents and avoid up to 85 premature deaths every year. These rules, by not burning a fossil fuel, reduce harm to our climate. I urge all BAAQMD board members to vote for this rule.

Marti Roach
