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Washington D.C. – The estate of a U.S. Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, who died one day after riots broke out at the United States Capitol, has filed a lawsuit against former President Donald Trump, blaming the ex-president for wrongful death, civil rights violations and other claims stemming from his supporters’ attacks on authorities according to Forbes.

Officer Brian Sicknick’s partner Sandra Garza—who was listed as a representative of Sicknick’s estate—filed the lawsuit in D.C. federal district court, naming Trump as a defendant along with two rioters who were convicted of attacking Sicknick with a chemical spray.

The lawsuit accuses Trump of inciting his supporters to violence, citing several of his tweets where he falsely claims he won the 2020 presidential election as part of the evidence.

The corporate media along with politicians claimed that Sicknick was killed in the line of duty from his involvement on January 6. His death was used in official impeachment documents against President Trump and he laid in honor under the Capitol dome, becoming just the fourth person in history to receive one of the highest posthumous civilian honors.

The D.C. medical examiner determined Sicknick died of natural causes due to strokes, and no murder charges have been filed related to his death.

The use of Officer Sicknick for political gain is one of the most evil actions we have ever seen here at Law Officer. While we expect the family to place blame, there is no excuse for what the Democratic Party and their media allies. did in the aftermath of Brian’s death.

One lie after another was told and at one point we were told that  fire extinguisher killed him and then “bear spray” and all along, they very likely knew they were lying.

Here is some of our coverage that shows how disgusting their behavior was.

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