Discovering volunteerism
Corporate volunteers from Xactly in Los Gatos spent the day Nov. 9 at three different Discovery Shop locations—including the one at 1659 Hollenbeck Road—performing a variety of tasks to support the stores’ daily operations such as pricing, sorting and steaming clothing items and setting up for holiday and jewelry events.
Discovery Shops are resale stores that support the American Cancer Society’s programs and research. The stores are primarily staffed by volunteers. Contact the Sunnyvale store at 408-737-7707.
Water use falls
After exceeding its water conservation goal in back-to-back months, Santa Clara County fell just shy of the target in September. According to Valley Water, countywide water use dropped to 13% compared to the same time in 2019. While the number falls 2% short of the 15% goal set by Valley Water’s board of directors in June 2021, it still signifies a dramatic increase in water savings compared to September 2021, when residents and businesses saved just 7%.
As the rainy season continues, Valley Water is reminding residents to turn off irrigation systems. Under the new outdoor watering restrictions, residents and businesses are prohibited from watering landscapes during and 48 hours after rainfall. Repeated violations could result in fines.
Since the residential and commercial outdoor watering restrictions were put into effect, Valley Water has received more than 1,750 water waste reports.
Visit watersavings.org for conservation information.
Source: www.mercurynews.com