The multi-generational artists in “Hamsters, Hedgehogs and Hummingbirds” make a case for respecting, protecting and celebrating the animal world. The exhibit is up through Dec. 17 at the Euphrat Museum of Art at Cupertino’s De Anza College.

“Wrenching Raptor” by Force of Nature greets visitors as they enter, its gaze also on delicate ceramic masks of possible prey. Made from hundreds of recycled tools and metal parts, it arrived at the museum straight from Burning Man 2022. The artist, who is this writer’s brother, was inspired by a suggestion by his daughter Jemma, who wants to be a veterinarian, to create a raptor-like sculpture.

Ceramic artist Janet Clements worked as a veterinary technician in zoo and small animal medicine for 15 years and got to work with more than 250 species. Her artwork expresses her intense interest in animals in all their unique forms. In “Refuge,” a ring-tailed lemur rows a boat with a tenrec, a giant rat, and pink flatid bugs. “Cock-of-the-Rock” features that particular South American bird perched on an obsolete answering machine.

San Jose State University art and design professor Monica Van Den Dool’s “Collectibles” ceramics series shows animals in a variety of frustrating and unfortunate circumstances, usually because of human impact. “Grey Day” and “Foundering” depict a squirrel and a donkey carrying flames symbolic of the California forest fires in 2021. In “Ripe Bananas,” a monkey rules over piles of the fruit with a scowl, alluding to contemporary politics. In another piece, a “Teary-Eyed” Macaw mourns the destruction of the rainforests.

Lydia Sanchez has adopted several Chihuahuas over the years from Muttville, a senior dog rescue organization in San Francisco. As the art teacher at West Valley Elementary School in Cupertino, she led third-through fifth-grade students in creating a collective work to thank Muttville for the work it does. Students also organized a school-wide drive and donated over 600 needed items. Sanchez specializes in watercolor pet portraits, and the show includes paintings of her current Chihuahuas Honey Bee and Zoomie.

Palo Alto native Tom Franco paints and constructs sculptures using found objects, often in collaboration with other artists. Beaded birds, toy animals from around the world, tin cans, bottles and recycled furniture parts feature painted scenes with horses, parrots, cows, bears, cats, goldfish and dogs.

Franco is the founder and director of the Firehouse Art Collective, a constellation of six community art spaces providing studios, communal housing and event spaces in Berkeley, Oakland, Richmond, Reno and Paradise. He has five rescue dogs who often accompany him on his travels.

In Carolyn Crampton’s “Variant World” series, she imagines wildlife in spaces created by yet devoid of humans: A large brown bear gazes directly at the viewer from an empty office in a high-rise building, geese wander the aisles of Whole Foods, and mountain lions ponder a Cougar convertible parked in the redwoods

Crampton has published three books about rabbits, including a humorous guide to understanding a pet rabbit, “Rabbit Language, or ‘Are you going to eat that?’”

An intricate beaded jaguar sculpture by Aniceto Bautista Sotero is at the center of Joseph Rodriguez’s masking tape installation. Rodriguez, a De Anza alumni who recently earned his master’s degree in fine arts, was invited back to create a temporary installation in response to Sotero’s traditional Huichol/Wixárika work. Bold, sweeping patterns drawn from symbols on the jaguar move across the floor and pedestals like energy made visible.

Piyali Samanta’s painting “Tiger Widows” speaks to the impacts of climate change on animals and people in the Sudarbans Archipelago of India. The salinity of the rising tides has caused the demise of the Sundari Mangrove trees, home to endangered species and protection for many cities. Tigers lurk on land while their habitat erodes. Women who lost their husbands to tigers still fight to preserve this special place.

To get a shot of urban wildlife, Shriharsha Annadore trimmed a space through foliage at his home and spent many hours quietly observing a hummingbird’s nest. His close-up photograph of a hummingbird feeding her 6-day-old chicks recently received a Cupertino Mayor’s Award.

Artist members of the Fine Arts League of Cupertino were invited to paint and embellish hummingbird silhouettes. Sarabjit Singh’s sculptural birds contain jewels and sprout lush tails. Kalpana Adesara, a professional Mehndi (henna) artist, incorporates lace-like designs on the wings of her creation.

For another community artwork, high school students in a De Anza College Academy summer art class painted a mini-mural showing different ecosystems and native animals. Endangered animal linocut prints by middle school students are also on display.

Diana Argabrite is director of arts and schools at the Euphrat Museum of Art, located at De Anza College, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd., Cupertino. For museum hours and events, visit
