A man who had already pled guilty to sexually coercing a teenage female relative was allegedly able to go on a sexual assault spree shortly before sentencing, thanks to systemic soft-on-crime policies in New York City.
Back in August, Justin Washington, 25, pled guilty to sexual coercion after a teenage relative accused him of raping her last February. Washington was initially charged with first-degree rape, first-degree sexual abuse, and forcible touching. Though prosecutors requested that the judge set bail at $100,000, the judge instead ordered a $25,000 cash bail or $50,000 bond.
Several weeks later, prosecutors lessened the charges to third-degree rape, claiming that there was not enough evidence to support the original charges. A judge then reduced bail to $12,000, which Washington paid.
Despite the seriousness of the original charges, prosecutors offered Washington, who had no prior criminal record, a sweetheart plea deal. He could plead guilty to sexual coercion and serve a measly 30-day sentence. He wouldn’t even have to register as a sex offender, according to one policeman. Had he been charged with and convicted of first-degree rape, he would have faced up to 25 years in prison.
Washington was supposed to be sentenced on Wednesday, but last week, he allegedly went on a sexual assault spree that has since jeopardized his plea deal.
According to police, Washington sexually assaulted five people — four women and one man — in the Bronx over the course of about two hours on the morning of September 15. Police say that Washington:
- Broke into the home of an 18-year-old male. He groped the man’s buttocks underneath his underwear and repeatedly asked for a dollar. The man offered him a dollar, but Washington did not take it.
- Crawled up an apartment fire escape about 40 minutes later and began banging on the window where a 26-year-old mother was at home with her infant child. When the woman opened the curtain, she found Washington masturbating on the fire escape.
- Managed to force his way into an apartment elsewhere in the same building and tried to rape a 49-year-old mother. Washington forced her onto a bed, attempted to disrobe her, spread her legs apart, smelled her, and began masturbating. The woman then fought back, biting Washington’s hand and eventually hitting him in the head with a hammer until he left.
- Stole a woman’s panties from another apartment and began masturbating.
- Molested a homeless woman by pulling down her pants, grabbing her buttocks, and masturbating.
The 26-year-old alleged victim said she was not surprised that a convicted pervert was left to roam the streets of New York. “Isn’t that what they do?” she told the New York Post, possibly in reference to lax plea deals lately given to sex offenders.
The woman who claimed she was nearly raped by Washington is outraged at the system.
“If he would have not gotten out of jail during this time, none of this would have happened,” she said. “Look what he did! They should change the system. It’s not right.”
Though the DA’s office defended Washington’s original plea deal since he had no prior record and the victim did not have to testify, the police involved in the investigation are also disgusted by this alleged outcome.
“I understand they talked to the victim’s family,” said one unnamed cop, “but what about the rest of the citizens of New York who can become Mr. Washington’s victims in the future, like those innocent five people in the Bronx?”
Washington was rearrested for the alleged attacks on September 15 and faces new charges of attempted rape, burglary, forcible touching, and sexually motivated felony. A judge has set a $50,000 bail or $150,000 bond and agreed to adjourn the original sentencing hearing until September 28 so that prosecutors may reconsider the plea agreement.