Q: I have followed Roadshow since about 1992, or whenever you started. I’m an 82-year old female who loves driving.

Pat Bailey

A: Pat is a driver, transit user, and pedestrian. Her main concern today is about pedestrians not doing enough to keep themselves safe. Traffic crashes have risen in recent years, as have pedestrian and bicyclist injuries.

Q: I walk to work about 2 miles, crossing Hamilton Avenue by the Post Office in Cambell. From 1993 to 2006, I walked to Hamilton to take VTA to Palo Alto, when I worked for HP Labs.

Pat Bailey

A: And….

Q: I am very aware of the problems of walking AND crossing large intersections. I feel it is always my responsibility to check on traffic.

There have been times when I was walking halfway across a street and stopped because I could not make eye contact with all the drivers. It was especially scary when, with 3 lanes of cars, 2 lanes would stop, but a car in the 3rd lane flew through the intersection. Had I not been paying attention, I would not be writing this message. I always look for this possibility and stop, if uncertain, to make sure it is safe for me to proceed.

I get really crazy when I hear of all the pedestrian/car accidents, where it is obvious to me the pedestrian was not paying attention. When accidents are covered in your column or the paper, in general, the pedestrian is never accused of being at fault, at least for not paying attention.

San Jose is doing many things to slow traffic, but they never mention the need to educate and make pedestrians more aware of their need to pay attention when they cross the street. There should be a lot more emphasis on this.

Pat Bailey

A: Pat raises an excellent point. Pedestrians need to take more responsibility for keeping themselves safe, along with drivers doing so. Pay attention to keeping everyone safe, however you travel.

Q: I was wondering if you could forward this message about repaving Wolfe Road in Sunnyvale to the correct party. It’s been years now since the road was repaved. It’s just as bad as ever.

After Apple installed a long purple reused water pipeline a few years ago, the pavement has been very uneven, with lots of potholes. It’s a bumpy ride on that street and puts lots of wear and tear on my wheels.

Linh Chow and trillions more

A: The city had to delay the repaving work in this area until PG&E completes utility undergrounding. That work is starting this month. The city will repave when the work is complete, sometime next year.

Look for Gary Richards at Facebook.com/mr.roadshow or contact him at mrroadshow@bayareanewsgroup.com.

Source: www.mercurynews.com