Hollywood actress Jessica Alba opined that Marvel superhero movies are still too “caucasian” since she starred in the “Fantastic Four” movie series.

The 41-year-old actress was speaking about diversity in the superhero movie world with Glamour UK magazine.

“Even if you look at the Marvel movies – that’s the biggest driver of fantasy and what’s happening right now in entertainment, because it’s sort of the family thing – it’s still quite Caucasian,” Alba said.

She went on to talk about her experience as one of the few minority actresses in a superhero movie when she portrayed Sue Storm in the Fantastic Four movies from 2005 and 2007

“I would say I was one of the few back in the day… And it was before Marvel was sold to Disney, but it’s still quite more of the same.”

Alba is Mexican American.

“I just think more for the younger people who are coming up, who are going to be our future leaders,” she continued, “it’s important for them to see the world on screen, or in stories, in the dreams that we create as entertainers; it reflects the world that they’re in.”

She had previously complained about being cast for “exotic” roles because she didn’t quite look caucasian enough, but also didn’t look Latina enough for a Latina role.

Diversity has been a concern for many of the creators of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Producers of the mega-popular “Avengers: Endgame” movie admitted that they were forced to reshoot a scene involving a group of female superheroes because it seemed to be “pandering” to the audience.

It has been rumored that Marvel Studios is looking to reboot the “Fantastic Four” movie franchise.

Here’s more about Alba’s comments:

Jessica Alba Criticizes Marvel Movies As Being ‘Quite Caucasian’ Still www.youtube.com