First lady Jill Biden faced some mockery and ridicule after she spoke at a “Latinx Incluxion” conference and compared Hispanics to tacos.

Biden was the keynote speaker at the Latinx IncluXion Luncheon held at the Grand Hyatt Riverwalk in San Antonio, Texas, on Monday.

While addressing the mostly Hispanic audience, the first lady mispronounced “bodegas” as “bogedas,” and then compared the Hispanic community to breakfast tacos.

“The diversity of this community as distinct at the bogedas of the Bronx, as beautiful as the blossoms of Miami, and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio, is your strength!”

While many in the audience laughed at the taco line, others on social media blasted the first lady for the bizarre comparison.

“Can this sorry BIDEN administration be more tone deaf and insensitive with the Hispanic American community? Pitiful,” replied activist Fernando Amandi.

“If Jill Biden is going to compare Hispanic Americans to breakfast tacos then she could at least use more inclusive language: It’s ‘TacX,’ Jill,” said Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas).

“Which White House speechwriter just won a bet for getting the First Lady to say something like this?” asked one commentator.

“Sorry Jill Biden but like most LATINOS, I don’t identify as a ‘breakfast taco.’ Nor #LATINX,” tweeted Elisa Martinez.

“I love this new season of Veep!” joked Giancarlo Sopo.

“‘IncluXion’ pushes this into a previously unimaginable level of cringe,” responded David Burge.

Mrs. Biden also spoke about gun control during the luncheon and promised the audience that the president was going to push Congress to ban assault weapons in response to recent mass shooting incidents.

The first lady’s excursion was a part of an effort by Democrats to court the Hispanic vote after recent polls showed more and more are abandoning the left and becoming Republicans. She was previously mocked in a similar incident from 2021 where she butchered the pronunciation of a Spanish political slogan at a commemoration of the birthday of farmworker civil rights advocate César Chávez

Here’s video from the conference:

Jill Biden, Ed.D., Incorrectly Refers To Bodegas In The Bronx As “Bogidas”