National Public Radio is maintaining very stringent masking guidelines, including a hotline where employees could rat each other out for not wearing masks under penalty of termination and other possible punishments.

According to an email obtained by journalist Dylan Byers, NPR is encouraging its employees to betray each other’s mask mistakes.

“We have asked on-site supervisors to remind staff of the masking requirements when needed. Masking is still required, unless recording alone in a studio, working alone in an office with the door closed, or actively eating or drinking,” according to the email.

“If you notice someone has forgotten their mask, you might tell them, ‘Hey, you forgot your mask.’ It’s actually helping the person to be reminded. Nobody is intentionally trying to evade the rules,” the email continued.

“Alternatively, let your supervisor or your HRBO know and they can remind that person,” the email concluded. “You can also share an anonymous concern via the EthicsPoint system via [phone number redacted] and HR will address your concern promptly but that’s not the best option for an immediate fix.”

The email concluded with the warning that failing to meet the masking guidelines could result in disciplinary action, including termination.

The New York Post said NPR did not return requests for a comment about its masking policies, which the Post described as “draconian.”

Some on social media mocked NPR for the anonymous tipline while others on the left appeared to be supportive of the policies.

Health experts say that COVID-19 infections are surging across the country after previously collapsing in recent months. Some organizations are responding by going back to social distancing guidelines. On Tuesday, public schools in Portland, Maine, went back to requiring masks for students, employees, and visitors.

Here’s more about the recent surge in COVID-19:

COVID-19 cases surge to highest point since mid-February | WNT