A California police officer’s hidden talent was discovered this weekend after the arrest of a suspected thief.

On Saturday, Officer Marc Guillermo responded to a call after home security cameras captured a suspicious man checking door handles in the neighborhood of Rocklin, California. After investigating the area, officers found a male subject matching the description of the man in the video nearby with a bicycle he had hid in some bushes, authorities said.

“The subject initially provided officers with a false identity but through the collective efforts of our dispatchers and officers, we were able to verify his true identity. The subject had several misdemeanor and felony warrants for drug and theft-related charges,” the Rocklin Police Department said in a statement.

The suspected thief was found with several items police believe to be stolen, including a ukulele.

According to KCRA-TV, that’s when officers also discovered Guillermo’s secret talent.

“As we were laying all the items out, trying to see if we could find anything that has identifying information. I just picked it up, I tuned it a little bit, and started playing, which shocked all my coworkers. They were like, ‘What is going on here?'” Guillermo told the local news station.

Guillermo, a native of Hawaii who joined the Rocklin Police Department three years ago, not only plays the ukulele but also has a terrific voice. His partner recorded Guillermo performing a rendition of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” which the department shared on social media.

“They are like, ‘You have to share this.’ I’m not usually real candid with all that stuff. I’m pretty shy,” Guillermo told KCRA.

He said the video “blew up” after his coworkers began sharing it.

Officer Guillermo has a 20-year-old passion for the ukulele, according to KCRA.

“I taught myself on YouTube on how to play the ukulele. Just being from Hawaii, that’s in our nature. My family they play and sing, we come from a musical family,” he said.

Another thing Guillermo says comes from his Hawaiian heritage is a passion for good police work.

“Growing up, I was always taught to share the spirit of aloha, to be humble, to be compassionate, caring … you know, and a guardian. Gosh, I’m kind of getting choked up about it,” he said.

Guillermo hopes his singing will spread a few smiles, and show the human side of law enforcement.

“Law enforcement right now is a tough career but just know, you know, we are fathers, we are sons, or mothers or daughters, and we would take a bullet for you or your family any day, and you know I take pride in it. I enjoy working for the Rocklin Police Department,” he said.