CUSD Centennial

In celebration of the Campbell Union School District’s centennial, the Campbell Museums are hosting “100 Years of Learning,” an exhibit designed by the district’s K-8 students. The exhibit will be up in the Carriage House of the Ainsley House from April through June. Student artworks will explore CUSD learning in the past compared to the present and what the future of CUSD learning will look like.

Rebuilding Day sign-ups

Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley is taking volunteer sign-ups for its Spring Rebuilding Day, set for April 30. To help ensure volunteers’ safety, only exterior repair work will be done at project sites, and all sites will have a COVID captain to do temperature checks and ensure social distancing and safety protocols are followed.
To reserve a spot for volunteer teams, contact Alaina at by March 3.  Individual volunteer sign-ups will open in early March.

Wildflower weekends

The Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority is offering up to four weekends in March to explore Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve during wildflower season. Coyote Ridge encompasses 1,831 acres in the Diablo Range foothills in southern Santa Clara County.

In an effort to ensure these weekends are scheduled during peak blooms, the authority is waiting to announce the dates for these weekends until wildflowers start appearing on the preserve. This announcement is expected during the first week of March, when registration will open.

Visit for information about when and how to register for these special access weekends.
