DeLorean is promising to make a comeback in 2022, announcing a new startup-style framework in partnership with Italdesign and a key figure in another recent automotive revival. While this new teaser doesn’t show us much more than we saw the last time Italdesign and DeLorean hinted at the project, the details have been refined slightly. Most notably, the “DMC” (“DeLorean Motor Company”) logo from the nose is now absent. 

While a series of “continuation” DMC-12s has been planned for years, this project focuses on what might come next for the long-dead automaker – namely an all-electric future model. To that end, Delorean has entwined itself with Joost De Vries (sub. required), whose most recent automotive entanglement was the revived Karma Automotive

Like any EV startup, we view DeLorean’s efforts with healthy skepticism. But what better choice for a futuristic EV than a car whose powertrain was replaced by a highly efficient fusion generator? Too bad Marty McFly traveled forward to 2015 and ruined the timeline for the rest of us, eh?

Or maybe Marty was just here stealing Tesla’s “falcon door” design, since Tesla fans are already coming out of the woodwork to declare the design a ripoff. It’s OK; most of them weren’t even alive in ’85. 

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