Q: Some rats have managed to chew away wiring under my cars. How can I prevent this from happening again?
Doris Hazle, San Ramon
A: Rats often climb into engine compartments, especially in colder months, when they find the warm engine irresistible. They build nests, which doesn’t usually cause damage to the car. When they chew on wires and insulation, though, it can cause considerable and very expensive damage, sometimes costing several hundred dollars to repair.
About a decade ago, car manufacturers started using soy-based coating on wires. It tastes like tofu. Rats love it.
Here are some tricks that zillions of readers have suggested to prevent the problem:
- The one recommendation that we use religiously is to raise the hood of the car when it is left standing, even overnight. The rodents are looking for a dark, cozy space to nest. By raising the hood, the space is more open and they are not as likely to want to be in an open space.
- Keep a light on under the open hood every night in order to keep rodents from chewing up the wires.
- For a solution to rats eating electrical insulation in cars, spray with pepper spray every six months.
- A dealer suggested after a hefty repair bill that I put moth balls around under the hood. He said that would deter the rats.
- My husband found a possum sleeping in a cardboard box on the floor of our garage in West San Jose. The next time we drove the car, something was very wrong. The engine was misfiring and chugging, and the “check engine” light was on. Our reliable Ford mechanics in Campbell found that the sensor was chewed up! That possum cost us $250. Now we are careful about keeping the garage door closed.
Q: The Bay Bridge is indeed beautiful, at least above water. What was concluded about its leaking, encased, rusting, submerged bolts? It was the top news story for quite some time, then was dropped like a lead balloon due to the use of inferior imported materials rather than guaranteed USA materials.
Jim Hunt, San Jose
A: In 2015, Caltrans performed both on-site and laboratory tests to evaluate the 424 anchor rods at the base of the new eastern span.
Only two of the rods tested did not meet seismic standards. They were replaced when it was determined that both of the removed rods had threads that were stripped at the bottom and that one also had a fracture at the bottom end.
U.S. fabrication plants produced about three-quarters of all the steel used in the eastern span. Major components were manufactured in 11 U.S. states and seven countries.
Look for Gary Richards at Facebook.com/mr.roadshow, or contact him at mrroadshow@bayareanewsgroup.com.
Source: www.mercurynews.com