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Law Officer published about 2,200 articles in 2021. This is our “Top 10 List” of stories, according to the number of views each piece received.

No compilation of police-related news articles would be complete without a “Florida man” story. That is where our list begins at #10. It rounds off at #1 with a law enforcement-friendly stud from Hollywood.

Between #1 and #10 you’ll experience the flavor of police work in 2021.

#10 – Florida man reportedly pulled out human ears when questioned about grandfather’s murder

“A Florida man allegedly pulled a pair of severed human ears out of his pant pockets while being questioned in his grandfather’s murder…” Read more.

Kolby Parker is charged with second-degree murder for the stabbing death of his grandfather. (Lake County Sheriff’s Office)

#9 – When Kamala Harris laughs the entire country should be worried

“Unless you’re living beneath a rock, you’ve seen Vice President Kamala Harris laugh and scoff at one serious question after another without providing a substantive response. Her cackling should make the country nervous…” Read more.

Kamala Harris
Kamala Harris (Flickr)

#8 – MS-13 gang members allegedly fire 30 rounds into home of NYPD cop

“An off-duty NYPD cop was grazed in the head by a bullet Monday when her home was riddled with more than 30 rounds…” Read more.

NYPD Officer Nathaly Gomez Iglesias (Image via New York Post)

#7 – North Carolina sheriff found dead at home

“Richmond County reported that Sheriff James Clemmons was discovered dead in his home…” Read more.

James Clemmons
Sheriff James “Clem” Clemmons (Richmond County)

#6 – Witnesses do nothing as woman is beaten in Restaurant

“A woman is on the run (later captured) after savagely beating a mother in a Little Caesar’s restaurant on Monday. Citizens watched the attack take place and did nothing…” Read more.

Brittany Kennedy
Brittany Kennedy was arrested Tuesday after a week-long search and charged with aggravated assault, kidnapping and criminal damage to property in the second degree. (Richmond County Sheriff’s Office)

#5 – Derek Chauvin Trial: fentanyl, methamphetamine found in police car months later by defense team

“Shockingly, it was also revealed that months after the incident, Chauvin’s defense team found methamphetamine and fentanyl in the police car that had Floyd’s DNA on it. That evidence had apparently been overlooked by police investigators…” Read more.

George Floyd
(Bodycam image via Daily Mail)

#4 – DOJ quietly acknowledges there was no sedition at the US Capitol

“Despite all the outrage and the threats of charging “insurrectionists” with sedition—the act of attempting to overthrow the government—proving them based upon actual facts and evidence seems to be increasingly unlikely…” Read more.

Capitol Police
Capitol riot, 2021. (Tyler Merbler via Flickr)

#3 – Female prison inmate pregnant after California law allows biological males to be housed with women

“The state of California passed a law last year allowing male prison inmates who identify as female to be housed with women at state correctional facilities. Now a woman who is incarcerated at a prison in the Golden State is reportedly pregnant as a result of the practice…” Read more.

inmate pregnant

#2 – Graphic video shows deadly encounter between Nashville officer and Tennessee woman

“A Metro Nashville police officer was shot Friday morning in the parking lot of a Dollar General store. The Nashville Metropolitan Police Department (NMPD) identified him as Officer Josh Baker, Law Officer reported. Baker returned fire killing the suspect, graphic video shows…” Read more.

Nashville officer
(Metro Nashville Police Department)

#1 – Chuck Norris has a message for America after he’s accused of being at DC riots

“Chuck Norris is speaking out after a photo, which appeared to show the actor at the Capitol riots last week, went viral…” Read more.

Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris (Instagram)

Finally, Law Officer would like to thank our loyal readers for following our coverage of police related news and events along with our opinion pieces that matter to the law enforcement community. Without you, we wouldn’t be here. We wish each of you a happy and safe New Year!

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