Chicago 911 dispatcher Keith Thornton Jr. has had it with Democratic Mayor Lori Lightfoot and her ongoing failures to get crime under control.

And now he’s issuing warnings to people across the U.S. that poor leadership from Lightfoot and other elected officials has resulted in skyrocketing crime waves in American cites like Chicago where “all hell has broken loose,” Fox News reported.

Thornton, who first gained notoriety and praise for how he handled the 911 call when Chicago Police Officer Ella French was shot and killed, made waves last Thursday when he posted a 28-minute video to Facebook lamenting the Windy City’s pathetic crime situation that, according to the dispatcher, is being completely mishandled by the mayor. In fact, her leadership has been so terrible, he told Fox News, that “the blood is on her hands.”

According to the dispatcher who has been willing to risk everything by going public, the police in some parts of the city, especially the 16th District, the city’s largest district, are woefully understaffed, and that’s putting everyone in danger.

“If you are a Chicagoan, living here or doing business here, even just visiting as a tourist here, your safety is compromised and in jeopardy,” Thornton claimed, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.

“This mayor does not care about Chicago police officers, period,” Thornton said.

“She doesn’t care about any first responders,” he continued. “She don’t care about the damn city. Doesn’t matter if you’re white, black, Asian, Hispanic, other. Straight, gay. Democrat or Republican. She doesn’t even care about her city workers.”

“All that lady cares about is her f***ing self,” he said, adding a message to Lightfoot herself, whom he labeled a “bully”: “I pray you’re watching this, because you’re a disgrace. And I’m tired of it, and your city is tired of it. Matter of fact, it’s not your city. The city of Chicago is tired of it.”

Content warning: rough language

In an interview with WLS-TV after posting his now-viral Facebook video, Thornton said, “When I’m getting text messages from officers telling me that they’re scared and afraid for their safety because they’re working by themselves and then the beat next to them, that would normally back them up, they’re not even there because the cars are down, that’s a problem. That’s a safety concern,” he said.

Chicago authorities, Thornton said, are not being honest with the people about the true status of police staffing and equipping.

“It’s out of control, and the citizens of Chicago deserve to know that what’s being done behind closed doors or what’s being told to them, it’s all false,” Thornton told Fox News’ “Fox & Friends First” Tuesday.

“This is the absolute worst that it’s been where it is affecting every part of the community within Chicago, every part of the town,” he said, calling the city a “death zone.”

In a subsequent interview on Fox News, Thornton said, “What’s going on in Chicago, all hell has broken loose. It’s been shenanigans, and it’s just non-stop day after day. Doesn’t matter if it’s morning time, evening time, whatever, at all hours of the day there is a massive amount of crime taking place within the city of Chicago. It’s horrendous. People are being shot, killed. Doesn’t matter what age you are. Doesn’t matter if you’re female or male anymore.”

“But what’s more horrible is the lack of leadership, the failure of leadership throughout this entire city of Chicago,” he continued. “And it’s ridiculous, because it does not have to be this way.”

First responders, he said, “have absolutely no backing, they’re being overworked, and with the shortages going on right now, it’s only affecting the citizens of Chicago.”

A big part of the problem, Thornton noted, was that the police department is being “micromanaged” by Mayor Lightfoot and the blood of the hundreds of killing victims is “on her hands.”