The Center for American-Islamic Relations organization said that a senior staffer of their Ohio chapter was secretly recording their meetings for an “anti-Muslim hate group,” and they have fired him and alerted law enforcement authorities.

A press release from CAIR national executive director Nihad Awad on Tuesday outlined their accusations against Romin Iqbal, the former executive director of CAIR-Ohio. Iqbal had led the Columbus and Cincinnati offices of CAIR-Ohio since 2018.

The statement said that CAIR had hired a private investigator after suspecting that they had become the target of The Investigative Project on Terrorism, which they called a hate group. That investigator found that Iqbal had allegedly been secretly recording meetings for IPT.

For years, Mr. Iqbal was secretly sharing confidential information about our civil rights work—including surreptitiously recorded conversations, strategic plans and private emails—with anti-Muslim extremists. He did this in violation of his ethical duties to the organization and his moral duty to protect the Ohio Muslim community.

Awad claimed that Iqbal confessed after being confronted with the evidence against him, and he was fired.

After firing Iqbal, employees at CAIR-Ohio claimed that a package containing parts to construct an AR-15 rifle arrived at their offices. They found that they had been purchased with a CAIR business credit card to which they claim Iqbal had exclusive access.

Fearing that Iqbal might have been planning a violent retaliatory attack on their offices, they alerted local law enforcement.

Awad claimed that Iqbal and IPT violated local and federal laws and said they would pursue legal action against them. The statement from CAIR also accused the Israeli government of collaborating with IPT.

CAIR is the largest civil liberties organization in the U.S., with over 35 chapters nationwide.

Here’s a local news report about the incident:

CAIR-Ohio director fired for allegedly sending information to anti-Muslim group