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CHICAGO — The City of Chicago remains resolved to go after after convicted felon Jussie Smollett for more than $100,000 in costs incurred by CPD during their investigation into the choreographed hate crime hoax, Daily Wire reported.

“The City filed a civil lawsuit against Jussie Smollett to recover costs incurred by the Chicago Police Department investigating what the City believed to be Smollett’s false police reports that he was a victim of a hate crime,” the city said in a statement, Fox reported. “While using a different standard of proof, the jury’s finding of guilt convicting Jussie Smollett of criminal charges stemming from the incident confirms that the City was correct in bringing its civil lawsuit.”

Continuing, the statement said, “The City intends to continue to pursue its lawsuit to hold Smollett accountable for his unlawful actions and to demand that he compensate the City for costs incurred by the Chicago Police Department which took his false claims of harm seriously.”

The City of Chicago filed the civil action in 2019 after Smollett refused to reimburse CPD $130,106.15 for its two-week investigation into his dramatic hoax.


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