Wall Street indexes were mixed in morning trading as investors considered a small study suggesting that the Omicron variant may cause milder disease. Here’s what we’re watching in Monday’s trading:

  • Cryptocurrencies are stabilizing after a weekend rout dragged bitcoin prices down by more than 20%. Other widely traded cryptocurrencies including Solana, Dogecoin and Shiba Inu coin at one point lost more than one-fifth of their value. Bitcoin on Monday traded at around $48,400, nearly 10% down on its level at 5 p.m. ET Friday, but up from Saturday’s low of $42,000.

Cryptocurrencies including Shiba Inu moved sharply lower over the weekend.

Photo: Jakub Porzycki/Zuma Press

Chart of the Day
  • Focusing on environmental, social and governance criteria has helped Nasdaq draw new listings of $191 billion so far this year, compared with $109 billion at NYSE.

Write to James Willhite at james.willhite@wsj.com

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