A Trafalgar Group poll conducted Nov. 26-29 places President Joe Biden’s job approval rating deeply underwater.

The poll of likely general election voters found that just 36.3% approve of how Biden is handling his role as president, while a whopping 59.1% disapprove. While 18.1% strongly approve and 18.2% approve, 6.9% disapprove and 52.2% strongly disapprove.

Nearly a third (31%) of Democrats disapprove of the president’s job performance, while nearly two thirds (65%) approve, according to the survey.

Almost one quarter (24.7%) of Democrats strongly disapprove of Biden’s handling of his job, while 6.3% disapprove, 31.5% approve, and 33.5% strongly approve.

A Hill-HarrisX poll of registered voters conducted Nov. 9-10 found that a majority (61%) thought that Biden should make way for another candidate to run in the 2024 election, while 24% thought that he should run for re-election. That survey indicated that 37% of Democrats thought that Biden should make way for someone else to run, while 45% thought that he should run again.

A POLITICO/Morning Consult poll of registered voters conducted Nov. 13-15 found that people are divided on the issue of whether the president is “mentally fit.” While 27% strongly agreed with describing Biden as mentally fit and 19% somewhat agreed, 38% strongly disagreed, and 10% somewhat disagreed with this description.

Biden, who earlier this year at the age of 78 became the oldest person ever sworn in to serve as president, just turned 79-years-old in November, and will be 82 by the time he completes his current term in office. If he ran successfully for re-election, he would be 86 by the conclusion of his second term.