The finale of Marvel’s recent Disney+ series, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, unveiled a brand-new Captain America for the modern age in the form of Anthony Mackie’s Sam Wilson. With the character all set to lead his own standalone adventure in Captain America 4, Marvel producer Nate Moore has now provided some insight into how Wilson will differ from his legendary predecessor, Steve Rogers, exploring a superhero with no powers, and even comparing the new Cap to iconic underdog Rocky Balboa.

“I think, he’s not Steve Rogers and I think that’s a good thing. Because to me, this new Cap is Rocky. He’s going to be the underdog in any situation. He’s not a Super Soldier. He’s not a hundred years old. He doesn’t have the Avengers. What happens with this guy who announces publicly kind of, without the support, ‘I’m the new Captain America.’ What happens next? I think is fascinating because he’s a guy. He’s a guy with wings and a shield, but he is a guy.”

Despite lacking any superpowers, Sam Wilson has been going up against all manner of superpowered villains for some time now, and even battled Super Soldiers in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. According to Moore, the character’s lack of abilities or enhancement will play into Captain America 4, with the producer revealing that Sam Wilson has still not yet truly earnt the coveted mantle.


“So, we’re going to put him through the wringer and make him earn it, and see what happens when he is outweighed, outclassed, out-everything. What makes somebody Captain America? I’m going to argue it’s not being a Super Soldier. And I think we’re going to prove that with Mackie and Sam Wilson.”

Seeing Sam Wilson out on his own and still coming to terms with accepting the title of Captain America should provide some interesting insight into the character, providing an emotive backbone to what’s sure to be an action-packed outing. Other details for Captain America 4 are pretty thin on the ground at present, though it has been reported that The Falcon and the Winter Soldier creator Matt Spellman and writer Dalan Musson will be involved in the project. The story will likely build upon and continue the events last seen in the Disney+ series, which could mean roles for the likes of John Walker, Daniel Br&ühl as Helmut Zemo, Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, and Emily VanCamp as Sharon Carter who was revealed as the villainous Power Broker during the series’ finale.


There have also been rumblings that Mackie’s Sam Wilson will do battle with a somewhat lesser-known Marvel villain, Sinthea Shmidt AKA Sin. The daughter of Steve Rogers’ archenemy, The Red Skull, Sin was created for Marvel Comics by J.M. DeMatteis and Paul Neary, and has a pretty tumultuous relationship with her supervillain father.

As for Anthony Mackie, the actor hopes to be playing Captain America for some time yet, recently saying, “I hope the next two decades, that’s what I’m hoping for,” he said. “So if I could be 65 and still doing this, I’m crushing it.” Captain America 4 does not yet have a release date. This comes to us from

