SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX) — Joining the many U.S. cities where demonstrations for abortion rights took place Saturday, thousands of people marched in San Francisco in the Women’s March for Our Reproductive Rights rally.

People chanted, waved signs and hoped to spread a pro-abortion-rights message to the community and beyond.

“I’m here to defend women’s rights and support my daughter so she has access to health care if she needs it,” Zan Larkins said.

“All women need to unite and come against all of the hate people are bringing us. This is our body. We deserve to have the choice to do what we want to do,” Leila Valadez said.

There were hundreds of women’s marches across the country Saturday as the Supreme Court gets ready to reconvene on Monday.

The nation’s highest court declined a request a few months ago to block a Texas abortion law from going into effect which bans abortion after embryonic cardiac activity is detected — usually around six weeks into a pregnancy. The law makes no exceptions for pregnancies from rape or incest.

While the law doesn’t directly impact Californians, some activists say they’re fearful other states will follow Texas’ lead and the big picture is at stake.

“We’re fearful of what will happen to Roe v. Wade,” Donna Ma said.

In a tweet on Saturday, the leader of the major anti-abortion rights group “March for Life” called the theme of the nationwide women’s marches on Saturday “macabre.”

KPIX did not see or hear of any clashes at the march in San Francisco nor at the other marches throughout the Bay Area.

Many people said they were inspired by the turnout.

“I was like ‘oh my gosh!’ I was shocked,” Valadez said. “It’s heartwarming knowing that so many people care.”