… and despite getting his own series, appearing in major spin-offs like Smash Bros., and having his own gangly costar I still know almost nothing about him.

Wario is invited to the major events in Mario’s life, Go-Karting, Golfing, and Parties … then goes back to his totally separate life with his twins, robots, and farts. Wario, we are led to believe, leaves work at work.

But over the last 29 years of public life, a question has arisen about Wario’s nationality. That’s right; although Mario is definitely an Italian plumber, Wario may be from a little further north. In the first two Mario Party games when characters lose a minigame they say something negative and catchy, like “WAAAAAAA.” Wario’s phrase, although often misheard as “Oh, I’m pissed!” by English speakers, is actually the German phrase, “So ein Mist!”