It has taken a while for Marvel Zombies to finally be fleshed out on screen, but last week’s episode of Marvel’s What If…? finally brought the undead superhero apocalypse to the MCU. While the animated series takes a look at what could have happened in alternative realities, the multiverse became a more terrifying place with the long awaited Zombies episode, which transformed the Earth’s mightiest heroes into flesh-eating monsters. Based on the comic book by The Walking Dead’ s Robert Kirkman and Sean Phillips, many fans believed that the animated iteration of Marvel’s own Walking Dead is the only time we will see the shambling monstrosities, but it appears that made not be the case.

While there is nothing concrete, as if there ever is with anything Marvel related, former Marvel writer Mark Millar has given as good an indication as any that something is potentially happening that could lead to a live action version of the Marvel Zombies appearing on screen in some form in the future. When or how this might happen is currently in the same boat as trying to guess what movies Marvel could be planning for 2025, but even just the idea that we could see something like this is enough for now.

RELATED: Bruce Banner Faces an Undead Iron Man in What If…? Marvel Zombies Sneak Peek

Millar wrote the original Civil War story, and in a recent newsletter wrote, “(if my sources are correct) a little live-action Marvel Zombies further down the line, but you never heard that from me.”

It is not the most detailed piece of information that has ever been revealed, but in the grander scheme of things it is not without its merits. What could be considered a little bit of heard it from a friend takes on a little more weight when taking into account who Millar is. Kirkman’s Marvel Zombie’s mini series was a spin off from a Fantastic Four comic by Millar. You would expect this means that any projects including the evil villains would be something that Millar would be aware of and would be receiving some kind of payout for.

So how exactly could the Marvel Zombie’s be brought into the MCU’s live action world? Well considering we are being constantly reminded now that we are very much in the multiverse, there are obviously a lot of possible ways for this to happen. If we go back to numerous interviews about What If…? it has been said on more than one occasion that while the animated show seems to be outside the MCU it does have significance in the overall grand scheme.

There has already been whispers of a Captain Carter continuation, so keeping with the theme of what if, what if Marvel decided to make a series of live action movies or series based on all of those alternate realities it has to play with? It is obvious that we would be unlikely to see all of the Avengers ripping chunks of flesh off each other in any reality, but with Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness already said to be going down a horror route, could it be that we could get a glimpse of the zombies here?

However it pans out, there is one thing that you can always guarantee when it comes to Marvel; anything is possible but no one will find out until Marvel want people to find out. What If…? continues on Disney+ with new episodes released each Wednesday. This news broke at