Not gonna lie, I’d definitely consider getting a “Twilight” tattoo. Say I’m crazy all you want, but I know you’ve been binging the entire film saga on Netflix. Author Stephanie Meyer released “Twilight” in 2005 and initially, she planned to call the novel “Forks,” after the setting. “Twilight” was Meyer’s first novel and at the time and it’s sold over 100 million copies, with translations into 37 languages. The first book follows protagonist Bella Swan, as she meets and falls for Edward Cullen, a 103-year-old vampire frozen in time in a 17-year-old body. She’d go on to write three sequels in the following years, “New Moon” in 2006, “Eclipse” in 2007 and “Breaking Dawn” in 2008.

The same year the final novel was released, “Twilight” hit theaters. This film was directed by Catherine Hardwick, who’d gained acclaim through 2003’s “Thirteen.” Actors Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson were cast in leading roles as Bella Swan and Edward Cullen. Stewart, then 17, had made a name for herself through 2002’s “Panic Room,” 2004’s “Catch That Kid,” 2005’s “Zathura: A Space Adventure” and 2007’s “The Messengers.” Pattinson, then 21, already had theaters swooning with his portrayal of Cedric Diggory in 2005’s “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.” The film was a huge success, becoming the most purchased DVD of the year and catapulted the film’s young actors into Hollywood stardom.

The early success of “Twilight” prompted the adaptation of four film sequels with increasingly larger budgets: 2009’s “New Moon,” 2010’s “Eclipse,” 2011’s “Breaking Dawn-Part 1” and 2012’s “Breaking Dawn- Part 2.” That’s right, this movie came out when everyone was splitting the final book into two parts, such as “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,” “Mockingjay” and all three “The Hobbit” films. Thank God Hollywood stopped doing that.

Nearly a decade has passed since the final film of the “Twilight” saga was released, however, it’s fans are still showing the love. Thanks to Netflix adding the films to their library, the series is all over TikTok— seriously, it’s inescapable. In fact, there are even some pretty amazing tattoos inspired by the franchise. Take a peek at some of our favorite “Twilight” tattoos from talented tattoo artists around the world, then let us know your thoughts on this story in the comments section on social media.