Never shy about saying something shocking or controversial, Pleasanton cartoonist Scott Adams faced accusations of advocating “infanticide” when he tweeted Wednesday that there are only two options when trying to help troubled teen boys, including those like his late stepson, who died of a drug overdose, or Robert Crimo, the suspect in the Highland Park mass shooting.

On Twitter, the “Dilbert” creator argued that society leaves parents with only two grim options when their sons, ages 13 to 19, becomes a danger to themselves or others — watch other people die, or kill your own son.

Adams said he had to choose the first option, watching as his 18-year-old stepson died in 2018 of a fentanyl overdose.

Adams’ tweet was in reference to 21-year-old Crimo, who has been charged with fatally shooting seven people and wounding dozens of others at a July 4 parade in his hometown Monday.

“The Highland shooting and every Fentanyl overdose death among the young are teaching us the same lesson, and we refuse to learn it,” Adams began in a series of tweets. “It’s difficult, but I’m qualified to give you this lesson (unfortunately).”

Adams also said it’s “delusional” to believe there is “a third choice,” in the form of a parent’s “wisdom and tough love,” or via government services or other programs that offer “fixes” for “that broken young man.”

“There are no other options,” Adams said. He added “no help is coming, only death and suffering.” He then argued that “the only solution to the dangerous young man problem” could be to send them all to one place, not a jail, but “just away from society.” There, they “could only hurt each other.” Adams said this would be the place to send young drug addicts as well. “Once they are separated from society (and drugs) maybe help is possible.”

Many people on Twitter expressed horror and anger about Adams’ comments, especially as they also seemed to be directed at boys who weren’t violent but who are struggling with addiction, mental health issues or suicidal ideation.

Among the most notable critics was political commentator Keith Olbermann, who fired off an expletive-laced tweet that derided Adams as a “fascist deep thinker” and accused him of advocating “infanticide.”

People also objected to the way Adams appeared to be saying that boys with drug problems and mental health issues should be treated similarly to boys who are violent and sociopathic.

To them, Crimo belongs in a much different category than these other boys, as authorities alleged Wednesday that he planned his attack on parade-goers, and had attempted suicide in the past and made threats to kill his family. The Daily Beast also reported that the aspiring rapper was active on social media, sharing his obsessions with violent imagery, mass shootings, and high-profile murderers,

To critics of Adams’ tweets, the cartoonist’s idea that drug users should be locked away with young criminals sounds as though he sees their addiction as a moral failing, not as a mental health or medical issue, people said.

In sharing Olbermann’s tweet, Bay Area-based journalist Linda Childers said she expects that the biological parents of Adams’ stepson, Justin Miles, would be “appalled” by what the cartoonist wrote. She explained that Adams’ stepson became addicted to drugs at the age of 14, after he was prescribed painkillers for a head injury.

“Scott was married to the boy’s mom for 7 years and they were divorced when her son died. I’m sure his biological parents are appalled,” Childers said.

Adams revealed in October 2018 that Justin had died from apparent fentanyl overdose. In a Periscope video, he tearfully said that Justin, “the little boy I raised from the age of 2,” was found dead in his bed, but Adams’ grief also turned to anger in the video, as he said he believed that China is responsible for supplying the U.S. with dangerous drugs and contributing to the opioid epidemic.

“If we know which Chinese (pharmaceutical) executives are behind this,” Adams said, “… I would like to call for their execution.”

People reacting to Adams’ tweets on Wednesday disputed his willingness to write off any hope that an addict can recover. “There absolutely IS a third choice,” someone tweeted: “My daughter was addicted at 14 as well. 13 years of hell for our family. It was HARD. Today she is 33 and has been sober and employed for 6 years. There is ALWAYS hope and choice.”

A self-described mental health professional who said he has worked with troubled youth for more than two decades called Adams’ tweets “incredibly cynical, extremely irresponsible.” In two decades of working with troubled youth, the person tweeted: “I have seen young people make it back from the brink. Change is possible for nearly everyone.”

Someone else on Twitter wondered sardonically if Adams could be saying that the United States needs “universal mental health coverage to prevent familial tragedies and to ensure that all young people, but especially potentially violent young men, get the mental health help they need.”

The person added. “Either that or Scott Adams says murder your sons.”
