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SACRAMENTO, Calif. – The personal details of thousands of California gun owners were leaked Monday via the 2022 Firearms Dashboard Portal. This is a website set up by the state’s Department of Justice to “improve transparency and information sharing for firearms-related data.”

Leaked data included full names, race, home address, date of birth, and date their permit was issued, as well as the type of permit and whether the holder was a judge or officer, the Post Millennial reported.

Gun Owners of California fired back on Wednesday. They blamed Attorney General Rob Bonta — a Democrat appointed by Governor Gavin Newsom in 2021 — for allowing the leak to occur and condemned his nefarious actions.

The group, which describes itself as being “dedicated to the unequivocal defense of the 2nd Amendment, and America’s extraordinary heritage of firearm ownership,” released a statement to FOX News.

“We believe that AG Rob Bonta is either massively incompetent, incredibly negligent, or willing to criminally leak information that he does not have the authority to leak,” said Sam Paredes, the group’s executive director.

“This is so egregious that he should resign. He has placed tens of thousands of abiding citizens in California in harms way. That is not excusable with an ‘I’m sorry’.”

The AG’s office issued a statement acknowledging the leak.

“We are investigating an exposure of individuals’ personal information connected to the DOJ Firearms Dashboard,” a spokesperson said. “Any unauthorized release of personal information is unacceptable. We are working swiftly to address this situation and will provide additional information as soon as possible.”

One gun owner told Law Officer the statement is nothing more than platitudes.

“The Democrat machine will not hold any individual accountable,” he said. “You can bet the move was strategic and with purpose. It will be blamed on ‘new software’ or ‘a computer glitch,’ but the damage is done. We protect the civil liberties of these imbeciles and they treat us like the street criminals.”

Consequently, the Gun Owners of California said they are exploring potential legal remedies.

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