Democrat Rep. Pramila Jayapal of Washington issued a bizarre claim about poverty and billionaires, and most people responded with confusion and derision.

“One million people will fall into poverty every 33 HOURS this year. One new billionaire was created every 30 HOURS over the last two years,” wrote Jayapal in a tweet Thursday.

“Both of these things shouldn’t be true. Tax the rich and level the playing field,” she added.

Many responded to confusion about the tweet because it would mean that nearly all Americans would fall into poverty before the end of the year.

Jayapal’s claim was apparently sourced from a report by Oxfam International that predicted a rise in poverty globally based on the continuing increase of inflation.

One critic pointed out that the number of those in “extreme poverty” globally had decreased since 1990 according to data from the World Bank.

Others took the occasion to take shots at Jayapal and her support of far-left policies.

“Capitalism has lifted literally hundreds of millions of people out of extreme poverty in this century. Yet leftists continue to tell this story,” read one response.

“The ‘million people falling into poverty every 33 hours’ is an Oxfam estimate for 2022. It could be true, and would be very bad But also, from 1981 to 2019 over 1.2 billion people worldwide rose out of poverty by this definition. That’s 120,000 people every 33 hours FOR DECADES,” said one user.

“One million every 33 hours? Wow. I had no idea Biden’s economy was that bad. Sounds like we made a huge mistake electing him,” responded another critic.

“Take away all the money from a billionaire and give to 1 million poor people, they would get $1 thousand dollars. Not quite the solution Paypal thought it was. Nice try pramilla. Not really,” replied a detractor who did the math.

Oxfam’s solution to the problem they documented was to encourage nations across the world to add massive taxes on the wealthy.

Jayapal was similarly lambasted and excoriated in 2021 when she claimed that America was fourth in poverty worldwide. Her critics pounced on the opportunity to point out the absurdity of such a claim.

Here’s more about global poverty:

Global poverty is on the decline – here’s the proof