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One thing I’ve learned as a career police officer, student of history, and now a law enforcement news journalist is that progressive politics pretty much guarantees unhappiness because victimization is the focal point as the abnormal and irrational demands of a few are being forced upon the many.

This is a brief list of progressive issues and the subsequent consequences we are facing as a culture:

  • Decarceration philosophies in many forms have led to one horrific crime after another by someone who was released early from prison or is out of custody on little or no bail following a crime of violence. It’s frightening to imagine how violent society would become without prisons, which is a goal of many progressive politicians.
  • Demands for an ambiguous and distorted view of “social justice” has led to historic levels of violence.
  • Defunding and neutering police through “reform” movements have led to historic highs in homicide.
  • Incarcerating biological men who want to identify as female transgenders is leading to sexual assaults, rapes, and pregnancies in female institutions.
  • Property crime figures in liberal cities are extremely skewed since victims have no hope that police can do anything, therefore a large volume of crime goes unreported.
  • “Reimagining” police work is a fraud. There is no better public relations tool than a low crime rate. A goal for law enforcement agencies should be assertive enforcement with compassion for victims and professionalism with criminals. Anything less simply emboldens individuals with a propensity for lawlessness.
  • “Purging patriots” is a serious phenomenon since we are losing men and women with warrior mentalities from our ranks.

 The Great Reset

So why are we actively engaging in The Great Reset of our social norms? Because the masses are getting duped by people and organizations that lack character and champion “power” more than ethical behavior. That is why BLM will never offer compassion for a black police officer who is killed in the line of duty or condemn black on black crime occurring at alarming rates on the streets of our inner-cities. 

“Social Justice” has been weaponized

The “theories” pointing to why people are bad have multiplied, yet our collective behavior is getting worse every day. We haven’t solved any problems and American culture is deploying strategies that are creating criminals en masse. Killers are getting younger every year … And they are murdering parents, siblings, and classmates.

We lack the collective will to hold wrongdoers accountable. Instead, people make excuses for their criminal behavior. It’s always the fault of someone else. Indeed, “social justice” has been weaponized … and it’s killing us.

Proven methods should be trusted

What should we do? The answers are not complicated, but we need people of character to act while we still can.

  • Traditional values are not the enemy. Structure and discipline are foundational, yet they have been discarded in too many settings.
  • True biology and science should be embraced, not be abandoned in favor of feelings and preferences.
  • Law enforcement officers know what is best for their communities. Cops have been listening to the rhetoric for the past few years. It’s time to listen to them for a change. They are the experts, not activists with narrow views who are espousing an opinion from their recently purchased mansion.
  • If a rule is good for the stability of your household, it is probably good for your community. Hence, we should not allow politicians to govern us in ways that would violate the principles in our homes.

Finally, there is no single institution that is driven by local, state, and federal politics like law enforcement. Therefore, prior to checking a box on the ballot for a candidate, I’d encourage all voters to know if the values of that person align with your way of thinking. Too many George Soros-funded candidates have wreaked havoc on the criminal justice system in America. It’s time to get educated and stop the bleeding.

To that end, we just saw San Francisco recall Chesa Boudin, whose philosophies are antithetical to the mission of the district attorney’s office. This offers civil-minded people with some optimism that we can impact destructive politics. We can only hope the same happens in Los Angeles where DA George Gascon also faces a recall election.

Philadelphia—Larry Krasner, St. Louis—Kim Gardner, and Chicago—Kim Foxx are other major jurisdictions where chief prosecutors are actively hostile to the truth and fair-minded justice, and that has lethal results. Sadly, there are many others around the country who do much the same, and it should not be tolerated.

Fighting against the consequences of crime is far worse than having philosophical differences, it is evil without a conscience. We can only hope that voters will eventually give them the boot as well.

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