During remarks Wednesday on the House floor, Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu of California announced that he was going to recite Jesus’ words regarding homosexuality, and he then proceeded to stand in silence for about 20 seconds.

Lieu noted that in March 2022 the Washington Post issued an article bearing the title, “GOP lawmakers push historic wave of bills targeting rights of LGBTQ teens, children and their families,” and that in April the outlet published an article called “Some Republicans fear party overreach on LGBT measures.”

“I just thought I would now recite for you what Jesus Christ said about homosexuality,” Lieu declared, before standing there silently.

While Lieu’s stunt seemed to be an attempt to mock Christians for standing against the LGBT movement by pointing out that Jesus never spoke about the issue, Christians recognize that Jesus is God, the entire Bible is the word of God, and scripture reveals God’s plan for marriage and his opposition to homosexuality.

Leftists around the U.S. have been seeking to promote the LGBT agenda throughout society, while Christians and others have been striving to push back against the radical movement. Chief among the areas of debate are topics such as whether children should be exposed to radical leftist gender ideology in school, and whether biological males should be permitted to compete in women’s sports.

President Biden issued a proclamation recognizing so-called “Pride Month” again this year.

In the proclamation, Biden claimed that “the rights of LGBTQI+ Americans are under relentless attack,” and he declared “June 2022 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Pride Month.”

“I call upon the people of the United States to recognize the achievements of the LGBTQI+ community, to celebrate the great diversity of the American people, and to wave their flags of pride high,” the proclamation says.

Various government entities have also been hoisting pride flags and issuing tweets in recognition of the cause du jour.