It’s not just broad story beats that the two share; it’s oddly specific details, like an artist roommate who makes plaster of Paris bagel and cream cheese paperweights. Comparing the two, it certainly appears as though Minion used Frank’s story as the basis for the first act of After Hours, then concocted the rest using his imagination. It’s possible, and maybe even likely, that in the pre-internet ‘80s, Scorsese and others involved in the production weren’t aware of the glaring similarities between After Hours and Lies — but Frank ended up taking legal action and was reportedly “paid handsomely” in the settlement. But despite the basically irrefutable evidence of his substantive contribution, Frank, who passed away in 2018, has never received any actual credit for inspiring After Hours. Maybe that will change? Can we start some kind of campaign? Think of it as kind of the arthouse movie equivalent of when Bill Finger was given credit for co-creating Batman. 

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Top Image: Apple, Warner Bros. 

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