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Retired New York Police Department Lieutenant Joe Cardinale explained why accused Brooklyn subway shooter Frank James will be officially classified as a terrorist Wednesday on “Your World.” 

JOE CARDINALE: … [T]he fact that social media today can condemn somebody in one posting and yet let a man like this go on, rant and rave and never bring it to the attention of the authorities – that’s bizarre to me. … That’s the most bizarre thing that they can let these rantings go on – these hate rantings – and let them go on. … [T]his is what happens. And then you wait for him to do something before you say, “Oops, got to pull it back.” So … politics aside, these companies need to … really do a better job at … bringing these people to the surface and stopping their rantings and bringing it to the attention of whoever. The FBI, local police, whatever it is, just get them notified – somebody – about this because he fell through the cracks that way. I don’t think he fell through the cracks being a past criminal for the crimes that he had.

He will be [officially defined as a terrorist] because, as the federal prosecutor indicated earlier, ever since 9/11, they made the spectrum a little broader for prosecuting terrorism … -related crimes, and he falls into that category. Because remember, Neil, the subway system was always threatened, whether it be through nerve gas, whatever they had … and they wanted to try it out in the subway. It’s already been documented that they said they wanted to try the subways at one time prior to the 9/11 attacks.

