This week’s Listener Questions focus on our favorite regionalisms, childhood gaming routines, and the games that have aged like a fine wine. Read this week’s questions below and submit your own via the Official Game Informer Community Discord or by emailing us at

“Today, I learned Minnesotans play ‘Duck, Duck, Gray Duck’ instead of ‘Duck, Duck, Goose.’ What is your favorite regionalism?” – Shifujiu

“You’re a kid. It’s Saturday, and you’re playing video games. Your mom/parent/guardian brings you some awesome food to eat while playing. What are you eating, and what are you playing?” – Noah

“Sorry, but I got delayed submitting my question. Speaking of delays, which game did you pick up a while after it came out and thoroughly enjoyed because of the polish it accrued because of time? For me, it was Diablo 3. I heard it was a mess at launch, but by the time I jumped in, it was so so so good!” – Keith, a.k.a. Rocket Scientist
