This year’s early spring weather has caused vegetation around Los Gatos to grow earlier in the year than usual, leading to premature overgrowth.

The stretch of the Los Gatos Creek Trail between Old Town and Roberts Road, in particular, has been taken over with plants, weeds and tree debris.

“The overgrowth that we would normally see in the springtime, and manage in the springtime, has come a little bit early for us,” Parks and Public Works Director Matt Morley said. “It’s been a big workload impact for us; we have our trails and open space… that has just seen a ton of growth that we’ve been trying to manage.”

Morley said the town typically prunes the trees and vegetation and pulls weeds along the  trail every spring and fall. This year, the town is scheduled to do its annual spring cleanup at the end of March rather than in April because of the overgrowth.

Weed abatement and vegetation management typically accounts for 30% of the town’s public works budget, and covers some wildfire mitigation efforts like clearing debris around town.

The town’s Complete Streets and Transportation Commission conducted a survey of the creek trail last year.

“We have a list from them that we’re working on, trying to knock off some of the deferred maintenance as well,” Morley said.

The commission identified certain projects like striping improvements along the trail and sections that needed additional pruning.

Residents who has concerns about the trail’s condition can email
