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SJSU must change
to lend probes integrity

It may seem that the multimillion-dollar payoff and apology letter by San Jose State University (“SJSU settles retaliation lawsuit, apologizes to coach,” Page B1, Jan. 13) ends the 12-year saga of physical abuse and the quashing of people of integrity (whistleblower swim coach Sage Hopkins). Yet it doesn’t.

San José State University’s Office of Academic Affairs is where investigations into alleged transgressions are conducted. It’s apparent that SJSU focused on collecting data to build a defense to protect the university. While a public apology letter is a nice gesture, until the university installs a legally-binding policy that the Office of Academic Affairs is to conduct impartial investigations without prejudice, transgressions and settlements using public funds will continue. This is distressing as legal costs simply reduce funds that should be used for teaching courses.

Only after the legal culture of the SJSU investigative body is systemically changed to be completely impartial can there be any semblance of integrity.

Bruce Olszewski
Department of Environmental Studies, SJSU
San Jose

‘Party mom’ bail, if any,
should be significant

Anyone can be “good” for three months. The case of the Los Gatos party mom is no exception (“Debate over bail for Los Gatos party mom,” Page B1, Jan. 14). This “flight risk” has already moved out of state once before. The sale of the Los Gatos home where the parties took place gives her ample means. Rape or “non-consensual sex with a minor” are violent criminal behavior with life-changing consequences to victims. Add the crime of embezzlement from her employer being processed in another court.

It’s time for tougher, appropriate bail for such high-risk, amoral offenders charged with significant violence (felony child endangerment and victim intimidation). Let’s save the court’s time and the taxpayers’ dollars by combining the embezzlement and other criminal charges into a single case. Barring that, set a bail that values humanity by protecting underage victims from this rich woman. I’d say a million-dollar bail might be about right.

Elaine Mansfield

Vallco delays risk
Cupertino’s finances

During the last four years, the lack of development at Vallco has cost the city of Cupertino millions of dollars. The loss of property tax revenue, along with the loss of city tax revenue, is large. The legal cost to Cupertino also has to be large.

Taxpayers need to remember large legal costs mean less money for other city programs. The Cupertino City Council, led by Darcy Paul, has foot dragged and stalled any and all development at the site for years. The city of Cupertino has violated at least one state law and is risking a significant fine by the state for failing to adhere to a state law (“Cupertino says project approval about to expire,” Page A1, Sept. 8).

Mr. Paul is being termed out this year. The constant turnover at Cupertino city staff says plenty about the failure of the City Council. Residents of Cupertino should understand that residents are being put at risk financially.

Jon Ramos
San Jose

S.J. food pantry critics
should help, not gripe

In reference to your article “S.J. Food Pantry reopens – but for how long?” (Page B1, Jan. 14 ) I was appalled that the city of San Jose would charge Lighthouse, a nonprofit church, $15,500 to feed the hungry here in the city.

They are feeding hungry families that people continue to ignore. Grocery stores are donating their excess food to help them out. We are living in hard times with COVID, loss of jobs and rent money to even survive from day to day. Without this extra help from Lighthouse Church, many families will be forced to live in their cars or on the streets.

When will the city of San Jose begin to see the need for helping the homeless not with their rules and regulations but with compassion? Neighbors need to stop complaining and get out there and help as volunteers to feed these people.

Rev. Dr. Juanita Cordero
and Rev. Penny Donovan
Catholic Worker House
Los Gatos
