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Normally there would be some background describing the distinguished history of the organization but not this time. It is probably more impactful to share this timeline:

Organization founded June 7, 2024

Presidential endorsement of VP Kamala Harris September 23, 2024

Police Leaders for Community Safety  was established as a 501(c)4 organization with the purpose of political advocacy. An astute observer noted that nearly all the police professionals on the board of directors of five and the national advisory board of 49 are retired from the profession, though one is in the running for a chief’s position in Los Angeles and another is serving as an interim chief. It is also notable that only four were previously elected officials, and none to legislative positions.

Their agenda: more restrictive gun laws

Their stated agenda mirrors the Bloomberg bankrolled anti-gun action groups: Moms Demand Action and Everytown for Gun Safety. The last couple of months have included episodes of irony, including their statement on the attempted assassination of presidential candidate Donald Trump in Palm Beach.

“According to news reports, this suspect is a convicted felon who should not have been able to access a firearm of any sort, but was able to acquire a military-style weapon capable of immense destruction. This incident serves as a stark reminder that military-style weapons in dangerous hands and our climate of political hostility are a dangerous mix. They threaten both individuals and our democracy.  

The time is now for Members of Congress on all sides of the political spectrum to come together to strengthen our nation’s gun laws, and for political leaders across our nation to encourage adherence to our democratic processes to resolve political differences – which is, of course, the foundation of our democracy.”

In fact, as of today, the suspect in the assassination attempt has only been charged with possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and possession of a firearm with an altered/obliterated serial number. The Secret Service Agent who rightfully opened fire on the suspect hopefully will see the suspect charged with a crime that is commensurate with using deadly force. (Based on the agent’s perspective, he could not have known that the suspect was a convicted felon or that the serial number was erased.)

However, there is no gun law in the last 30 years (and during that time we had an assault weapons ban and ten round magazines) or even any theoretical law that would have prevented the would-be assassin from obtaining a gun to shoot the former president besides full gun confiscation. You would think that one of these former sheriffs and chiefs would know that criminals don’t obey gun laws!

Their press release and other policy provisions reflect that there are ‘certain’ guns that shouldn’t be in the hands of law-abiding citizens, specifically mentioned were ‘military style’ firearms. Long guns have been used in many high-profile shootings, but handgun deaths greatly outweigh rifle and shotgun deaths statistically. I’m sure that the ‘leaders’ have a plan to address that too with more common-sense gun laws.

Gail Hoffman, one of the five directors, is described as a: “ subject matter expert in policing and firearm policy; Political and legislative strategist; White House and DOJ alum; Drafted initial plan to put 100,000 community police officers on the street; Led legislative campaigns to pass the Brady Bill and assault weapons ban.”

Members of the clubs

Almost every representative on either board has held a ranking position in the national police organizations. Some are people I worked with in the past. Based on their past priorities, we can be assured that their mission will not include making work easier for the officer on the road or behind a desk. They have not indicated that they will tackle the chief concern of local agencies, recruiting and retention, at this time or in the future. It is likely they will fight against qualified immunity, not for it. Whenever a criminal causes a tragedy, they first look at the officer.

Their mission is to work with federal lawmakers to “conduct public education, advocate for federal legislation and Executive Branch action, and engage in robust mobilization of law enforcement leaders across the nation in targeted states and districts around important legislation. Police Leaders will also endorse aligned federal candidates.”

Sadly, their perspective on attacking crime is to take, limit or bind rights from non-criminal citizens, via unconstitutional federal gun laws.

With 92% of these directors and advisory board members never holding elected office, these are former bureaucrats attempting to influence laws using the color the profession that are proven to be wrong on crime, wrong for victims, and wrong for law enforcement.

As individuals, I support every officer’s vote for whoever they choose. In this election, the axe hanging over the neck of law enforcement in the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act that effectively eliminates local control and home rule over policing. If you aren’t familiar with it, please do your research on it. I’ve written a couple of articles on it but you can just read the text of the bill itself. Every time there is a controversial policing incident, President Biden brings it up and promises to sign it as soon as it lands on his desk. Vice president Harris is an even stronger supporter of this legislation as it was written when she was a senator. This bill has passed the House of Representatives twice. This fact sheet was on but has since been moved or deleted:

In 2020, the in-custody death of George Floyd on May 25 was a polarizing event, resulting in great death, destruction and betrayal – especially of the officers of the third precinct in Minneapolis. If you are of the opinion that the officers murdered Floyd, we have no quarrel. I also know people who have been persuaded by Liz Collin’s book They’re Lying and her documentary The Fall of Minneapolis.

The political actions before sunrise on May 26 in Minneapolis had an international ripple effect of division and destruction. The Major Cities Chief’s Association, a large remnant of the Police Leaders for Public Safety supporting the denial of the officers’ bill of rights and due process in their firing. Many, if not all, of the national police organizations rolled out press releases like this:

Why are former local cops in favor of funding federal cops?

They’re calling for “increased funding for law enforcement agencies, including the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).” Local police are usually in the situation where they need to furnish an officer to ATF as a task force agent. It is also so unusual for retired local chiefs, county sheriffs and state police commanders, most with little or no direct experience with federal agencies to suggest that the money sent to Washington D.C. from all 50 states remain there and be added to a federal agency.  Why is there no suggestion that the funds be returned to the local communities where the work to preserve liberty and safety takes place on patrol shifts staffed 24 hours a day?

In many cases, we are seeing their leaders from cities with terrible track records like Baltimore, Oakland, Washington D.C., New Orleans and Milwaukee.  At the other end of the spectrum, we have mild communities where overdue library books are a big deal.

Police Leaders for Community Safety is a group of retired police executives promoting anti-police, anti-crime victim policies under the guise of reform, while advocating for federal overreach that threatens the foundation of local policing. The group is no champion of public safety. It is a politically motivated group leveraging its members past uniforms to push a federal agenda that threatens local law enforcement, while eroding the rights of law-abiding citizens.

We must stay vigilant and scrutinize efforts that, under the guise of reform, seek to diminish the independence and effectiveness of our local police. The future of community safety depends on supporting local law enforcement and the communities they serve, based in trust, local control, and the preservation of our constitutional rights.

Please keep all our peace officers in your prayers.

Roland Clee served a major Florida police department as a Community Service Officer for more than 26 years. His career included uniformed patrol, training, media relations, intelligence, criminal investigations, and chief’s staff. He writes the American Peace Officer newsletter, speaks at public safety, recruiting and leadership conferences and helps local governments and public safety agencies through his business, His work is frequently featured on, the only law enforcement owned major media presence in the public safety realm. He also serves as the Director of Engagement for Shepherds and Sheepdogs, LTD on the team hosting the inaugural conference in Orlando, May 12-14. Three days of exceptional speakers who will help you revolutionize the way we treat, train, and lead! Click below to find out more.  Shepherds and Sheepdogs |


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